Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering and Bioscience
End-of-studies project
Find out all about deadlines, topics or regulations about your end-of-degree project.
Master’s degree
Find out all about deadlines, topics or regulations about your end-of-Master’s-degree project
End-of-studies project awards
Find out about the awards your end-of-studies project may be applicable for.
The End-of-studies project (TFE) is a compulsory project or paper which gathers all the training acquired throughout the studies and allows a global assessment of the competencies linked to the degree. Depending on the type of degree, it may be an End-of-degree project (TFG) or end-of-Master’s-degree project (TFM).
Each student must prepare a TFE about a topic of any of the main subjects of their syllabus. A lecturer will be responsible for supervising each project, and will guide the student to obtain and manage the necessary information to draft their TFE, as well as the final writing of the project.