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Scientific production in UPNA

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Opportunities for researchers

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R&D transfer

University research resources

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Institutes, research groups, infraestructure, grants and calls, scientific production, transfer of results ....

The Teaching and Research staff at the UPNA mainly performs its research through the departments and research groups, the updated catalogue of which is approved by the Board of Management.

The Research Committee is the body which proposes the research policy guidelines, research groups and calls for grants which depend on the university itself to the Board of Management.

The Research Service is the administrative unit in charge of managing research work at the UPNA.


Through its Calls and Grants Section, it advertises and advises on the public calls made by the relevant Ministries, the Government of Navarre and other bodies, and processes applications, awards and justifications. It also manages the University’s calls regarding research groups, pre-doctorate and post-doctorate grants, and others designed by the Research Committee.


The Knowledge Transfer Section promotes and manages research contracted under art. 83 LOU, industrial property –patents- and its transfer to business, the creation of technology-based companies, participation in European R&D programmes and other international programmes, and publicity of the University's scientific and technological resources to socioeconomic sectors.


The Research Service also includes administration staff and services for research structures like the Institute of Agrobiotechnology, The Electronics and Communications R&D Centre Jerónimo de Ayanz and the Research Support Service (SAI)

Scientific Culture

Imagen extraída de una esxposición de la Unidad de Cultura Científica

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Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra

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Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

This company has received a 50% cofinanced aid from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020 of Navarre

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Proyecto piloto de bioeconomía circular de residuos orgánicos a escala local con dimensión social y formativa

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Esta empresa/entidad ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 100% con recursos REACT UE, a través del programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra, del Objetivo Específico OE REACT UE 2. Apoyo a las inversiones que contribuyan a la transición hacia una economía digital.

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