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Vice-rector of Quality, Economic Matters and Strategy

Martín Larraza KintanaMartín Larraza Kintana
Tel: 948 16 8404



Full Professor of Business Organisation at Public University of Navarre, Martin Larraza Kintana (Arbizu, Navarre, 1970), has a degree in Business Administration (1992) and a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Business Administration (1994) by Public University of Navarre. He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Carlos III of Madrid (2000), for which he achieved the highest grade. While studying for his PhD, he had a Ministry of Education and Science Sectoral Programme for the Training of University Teaching and Research Staff fellowship. After a brief stint as Assistant Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, he joined the Public University of Navarre. After holding different positions as a teacher and researcher at UPNA, he was granted his full professorship in 2019. He has spent periods at the University of Essex, Arizona State University and Cranfield University.

He has taught Business Organisation throughout his long academic career, teaching different subjects at bachelor’s, master's and PhD level.

His research reflects his interest in the study of people’s decision-making behaviour and particularly that of those working in companies. The research he has conducted for more than 20 years has allowed him to contribute to international scientific debate in the fields of Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Family Business and Entrepreneurship. This work has been reflected in 48 academic papers, some of which have been published in some of the most prestigious scholarly journals in the field of business organisation, such as the "Academy of Management Journal", "Administrative Science Quarterly", "Strategic Management Journal", "Journal of Management", "Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice", "Journal of International Business Studies", "Small Business Economics" and "Human Resource Management". He has also published four book chapters, participated in the supervision of 4 doctoral theses, given seminars at Spanish and foreign universities, and made more than 80 contributions to national and international conferences. His academic work has been recognised with several awards, including the Prize for the Best Scientific Contribution to Social Sciences for the period 2009-2010 and the Prize for Research Career in the field of Human, Social, Legal and Economic Sciences, both from the Public University of Navarre.

He has taken part in various publicly funded research projects, most notably as Principal Investigator for 3 National R&D Plan projects. He has also been involved in projects to transfer knowledge to businesses and is currently in charge of the Business Organisation research group. In this area, his work as Ministry of Education and Science Expert assessing National Plan research projects is worthy of note.

In the field of management, he has been secretary of the School of Economics and Business Administration and general coordinator of Access to the Public University of Navarre. He was a member of the work group which developed the programme for the Bachelor’s Degree in Economics adapted to the European Higher Education Area and coordinator of subject matter for the Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration. He is currently a member of the School of Economics and Business Administration’s Quality Assurance Committee and the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Public University of Navarre’s Family Business collaboration scheme. He has been a member of the Board of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management since 1998 and held the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Chair. He is currently the chief editor of the international journal "Management Research".

Area Management Offices

Santiago Sánchez Alegría

Santiago Sánchez Alegría
Tel: 948 41 7846/948 41 7802

Santiago Sánchez Alegría, professor at the Department of Business Management of Public University of Navarre (UPNA), is Doctor in Accounting by Public University of Navarre, with a thesis which was unanimously granted Very High Pass Cum Laude.

Apart from teaching on external and internal accounting in the various bachelor's and master's degrees of UPNA’s Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Santiago Sánchez Alegría has been the Academic Head of the Master's degree in Process-based Management with Integrated Information Systems (ERP), and Master's degrees in Business Management. He has also taken part in several teaching innovation projects, and has collaborated in the editing of the manual “Financial statements: drafting, analysis and interpretation (Estados contables: elaboración, análisis e interpretación)” (publisher: Pirámide). 7 editions have been published of this work. 

Regarding his management tasks, the new Area Director of Tudela Campus has been the Secretary of the Department of Business Management and Coordinator of the Accounting area for over 8 years.

Likewise, Santiago Sánchez Alegría is a researcher at UPNA’s INARBE (Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics) Institute, where he is working on the quality analysis of accounting information and on the auditing report and its use for decision making. He has recently broadened his research lines to the study of operations carried out by venture capital companies - particularly those called “Leverage buyout (LBO)”, and the analysis of models for predicting business failure.

In 2010, he was granted the ASEPUC (Spanish Association of University Accounting Professors), mention for the best communications, and a year earlier, the Carlos Cubillo award for short research papers in accounting and auditing from the Institute of Accounting and Auditing (ICAC). 

As part of his scientific work, he has taken part in numerous national research projects and more than 25 national and international conferences, and has been the main researcher in several research contracts. He also has fourteen articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, all of which are indexed in the JCR. Likewise, he has carried out several researching stays at universities such as Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and Norwegian School of Economics (Norway). 

Finally, he has spread the outcome of his research work in professional publications such as “Research log (Cuadernos de investigación)” of UCEIF Foundation (University of Cantabria Foundation for the Study and Research of the Financial Sector) and the Bulletin of the Accounting and Accounts Audit Institute (ICAC).

Mónica Cortiñas Ugalde

Mónica Cortiñas Ugalde
Tel: 948 16 9895

Mónica Cortiñas Ugalde (Pamplona, 1974) has an undergraduate degree and PhD in Business Administration and Management from the Public University of Navarre. As part of her doctorate, she undertook a research sojourn at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Netherlands) in 1999.

Her chief lines of research centre on marketing, with a particular focus on online consumer behaviour, e-commerce and distribution channel management. She has published over twenty papers, of which many have appeared in indexed international journals. She has also contributed to numerous research projects, reviews manuscripts for a number of international journals and is co-directing a PhD thesis.

At academic management level, she has sat on the Permanent Committee of the Department of Business Administration, the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business Science, and the Senate, and held the post of Head of Marketing and Market Research. She has also served as a member of the Master’s Degree Academic Committee and been in charge of Quality for the Master’s Degree in Business Management.