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Master's Degree in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing


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Geolocation and remote sensing are the future, specializing in the management, analysis and processing of geospatial information.

Modules and professors

Curriculum: Access from academic year 2023-2024 on

Curriculum code: 7504 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 750490 Final Master's Project 12
1º S 750401 Geographic Information Systems 3
1º S 750404 Advanced programming with Python 3
1º S 750405 Optical remote sensing 3
1º S 750406 RADAR and LiDAR remote sensing 3
1º S 750408 Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Spatial Data 3
1º S 750411 Very high resolution imagery: photogrammetry and UAS 3
1º S 750412 Analysis of remotely sensed images: information extraction 3
1º S 750414 Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Data 3
2º S 750402 Advanced spatial analysis using GIS 3
2º S 750403 Geographical databases 3
2º S 750407 Research in GIS and remote sensing 3
2º S 750409 Spatial Data Infrastructures and Services publication 3
2º S 750410 Development of web mapping applications 3
2º S 750413 Intelligent systems for knowledge acquisition 3
Training complement
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 750481 Programming fundamentals 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 2º S 750415 Practice internship 6

Curriculum: Access before academic year 2023-2024

Curriculum code: 727 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 73123 Final Master's Project 12
1º S 73114 Geographic Information Systems 3
1º S 73118 Advanced programming with Python 3
1º S 73120 Optical remote sensing 3
1º S 73121 RADAR and LiDAR remote sensing 3
1º S 73124 Very high resolution imagery: photogrammetry and UAS 3
1º S 73125 Analysis of remotely sensed images: information extraction 3
1º S 73128 Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Spatial Data 3
1º S 73129 Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Data 3
2º S 73115 Advanced spatial analysis using GIS 3
2º S 73116 Geographical databases 3
2º S 73117 Spatial Data Infrastructures and Services publication 3
2º S 73119 Development of web mapping applications 3
2º S 73126 Intelligent systems for knowledge acquisition 3
2º S 73127 Research in GIS and remote sensing 3
Training complement
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 73132 Programming fundamentals 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 2º S 73122 Practice internship 6