Faculty of Health Sciences
The Faculty
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How we do it?
Certificates obtained and quality parameters.
Faculty of Health Sciences counts on professors committed to teaching, with a lot of researching, teaching and professional experience. We have been educating professionals in the health-care sector for over 30 years. Our success has been proven by the highest satisfaction and professional insertion rates of our graduates (97% work in a position related to their degree two years after graduating).
- 97 % work in a position in the same field as their degree
- 30 years training professionals
- Body and brain donation programme for educational and research purposes.
- Health Sciences Education Unit to improve the teaching quality.
- Students’ active learning through classroom or lab practical activities, with health care internships in public and private centres and creating projects.
- Collaboration with the Health-care Service of Navarre-Osasunbidea, as well as other social and health-related institutions, focusing the development of degrees and post-graduate degrees on students’ efficient labour insertion in existing care facilities, always paying attention to existing demands at the time.
- High-level specialised education, innovating technologies (problem-based learning or development of practices with simulated patients).
- Care practices in public and private centres.
- Quality internationalisation.
- Commitment to sustainable development, social responsibility, ethical and deontological principles of the health-care profession.