Modules and professors
Curriculum code: 7204 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)
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Periodo | Code | Subject | ECTS | SPA | BAS | ENG |
1º S | 720401 | Wind turbines I | 3 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720402 | Wind turbines II | 4.5 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720403 | Grid integration of renewable energy | 3 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720405 | Electric generators | 4.5 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720406 | Power electronics | 4.5 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720408 | Photovoltaic systems | 7.5 | ✔ | ||
1º S | 720412 | Photovoltaic cells technology | 3 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720404 | Electrical energy storage | 3 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720407 | Power electronics I | 1.5 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720409 | Renewable energy resources assessment | 6 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720410 | Socio-economic aspects of renewable energy | 4.5 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720411 | Communications in renewable energy systems | 4.5 | ✔ | ||
2º S | 720413 | Analysis and design of stand-alone systems | 4.5 | ✔ |
Periodo | Code | Subject | ECTS | SPA | BAS | ENG |
Anual | 720490 | Final Master's Project | 12 | ✔ |
Periodo | Code | Subject | ECTS | SPA | BAS | ENG |
1º S | 720400 | Technologies for electrical energy conversion | 4.5 | ✔ |
List of Optative subjects
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Year | Periodo | Code | Subject | ECTS | SPA | BAS | ENG |
1 | 2º S | 720414 | Biomass and biofuels | 3 | ✔ | ||
1 | 2º S | 720415 | Solar thermal and thermal electricity energy | 3 | ✔ | ||
1 | 2º S | 720489 | Complement to Master Thesis | 6 | ✔ |