Faculty of Law
LyDer Programme
Legal professions require, among many other things, being able to read and write properly. In order to improve oral and written communication, enhance training in humanities and values characteristic of the Bachelor's degree in Law and the rest of degrees in the legal area, and to complement purely legal content learning, the Faculty of Law offers the Programme in Literature and Law (LyDer).
- The programme is voluntary and optional.
- It allows students to get to know and learn about masterpieces of universal literature in which Law or legal issues are highlighted.
- With it, students access the reading (or re-reading) of works considered fundamental for their education.
- Those who, at the end of their Bachelor's degree, complete the LyDer Programme, will be granted a certificate diploma.
Cycles and ECTS
- The programme is divided into two cycles: first cycle (two academic years) and second cycle (two academic years).
- For each cycle students may obtain 3 ECTS in optional subjects, up to 6 ECTS. In order to obtain the ECTS students must do the readings of the selected works each term in the corresponding time periods, and take part in the seminars in which the comments and thoughts on the readings are presented.
- Students of the Bachelor's degree: in Law, Labour Relations and Human Resources; double degree in Management and Business Administration and Law.
- Up to 20 students can take part in it. Admission follows registration order.
- The first cycle focuses preferably on first-year students.
- The second cycle focuses preferably on students who have finished the first cycle.
First cycle
Literature and Law. Presentation of Lyder Programme
Second seminar
Justice and justice administration at the Spanish Golden Age theatre
- Calderón de la Barca - "El alcalde de Zalamea"
- Lope de Vega - "El mejor alcalde, el rey"
- Lope de Vega - "Fuenteovejuna"
Third seminar
Family Law, Criminal Law and good governance in Miguel de Cervantes
- Derecho de Familia: "El casamiento engañoso" (Novelas ejemplares) y "El juez de los divorcios" (entremés).
- Derecho Penal: "Rinconete y Cortadillo" y "La fuerza de la sangre" (Novelas ejemplares)
- El buen gobierno de Sancho Panza como gobernador de la ínsula Barataria - capítulos 42 a 53 de la segunda parte de "Don Quijote".
Fourth seminar
Commercial Law and Public Law in William Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare - "El mercader de Venecia"
- William Shakespeare - "Macbeth"
- William Shakespeare - "Enrique V"
Fifth seminar
Romanticism, reality, fantasy and madness
- Reason, madness and repentance of the criminal. Edgar Alan Poe, relatos: "El demonio de la perversidad", "El barril de amontillado", "El corazón delator"
- Legal and ethical limits of technology. Liability before technical and scientific risks: Mary Shelley, "Frankenstein".
- Personality disorders and criminal responsibility: "El extraño caso del doctor Jeckyll y mister Hyde"
- Forgiveness of the offended in Criminal Law: Sthendal, "Rojo y negro"
Sixth seminar
Naturalism: new time and... old one? Problems
- Labour movement and origin of Labour Law: Charles Dickens: "Tiempos difíciles"
- Can lawyers give life to a dead person? Power and toughness of a lawyer’s job: Honoré de Balzac: "El coronel Chabert"
- Is gambling a dangerous activity? Public regulation of gambling and limitation of freedom to gamble: Fedor Dostoievsky, "El jugador"
- Liability, guilt and justification of the penalty: Fedor Dostoievsky, "Crimen y castigo"
Seventh seminar
Spanish realism: constitutionalism, freedoms and vested interests
- The 1812 constitution and Cádiz Courts: Benito Pérez Galdós, "Las Cortes de Cádiz"
- The issue of God and freedom of conscience: Miguel de Unamuno, "San Manuel Bueno Mártir"
- A justice at the service of the citizens and not at the service of the vested interests: Jacinto Benavente, "Los intereses creados"
Eighth seminar
20th century: existentialism
- The Outsider by Camus: Story of an act of rebellion?: Albert Camus, "El extranjero"
- Process and (not) right. The insensitive brute and arbitrary force of an inaccessible Law. The right to be heard of citizens: Franz Kafka, "El proceso"
Ninth seminar
Dystopias (anti-utopias) and totalitarianisms
- The right to happiness (and the right to be miserable): Aldous Huxley, "Un mundo feliz"
- Would we be wolves to the rest of men if we did not have rules? Does Law make us human?: William Golding, "El señor de las moscas"
- The pure power of the State and the last man: George Orwell, "1984"
Tenth seminar
Detective and crime novel
- Anarchy, organisation and Law: Chesterton, "El hombre que fue jueves"
- Procedural guarantees of criminals and protective efficacy of Law: Lorenzo Silva, "La estrategia del agua"
- Material justice and procedural injustice: Reyes Calderón, "El jurado número 10"
- Material truth vs formal truth: Dürrenmatt, "Justicia" y Jack London, "Asesinatos S.L."
Eleventh seminar
Spanish contemporary novel
- Social crime and conflict in crisis contexts: Eduardo Mendoza, "La verdad sobre el caso Savolta"
- A swindler in the 21st century society:
- Eduardo Mendoza, "La aventura del tocador de señoras"
- Jesús Sánchez Adalid, "La mediadora"
- Juan Manuel de Prada, "Me hallará la muerte"
- Javier Marías, "Los enamoramientos"
Twelfth seminar
Hispanic American and European contemporary novel
- Liability for incitement and liability for negligence: Gabriel García Márquez, "Crónica de una muerte anunciada"
- Legitimacy of power and American dictatorships: Mario Vargas Llosa, "La fiesta del chivo"
- Liability of minors (and their parents’): Herman Koch, "La cena"
- Registration will be carried out via electronic mail to facultad.cienciasjuridicas@unavarra.es
- Admission follows registration order.