Higher Technical School of Industrial and ICT Engineering
Would you like to become a professional in the engineering field or improve your education in the industrial or ICT engineering areas?
- Industrial area: degrees offered / Master's degrees offered
- ICT area: degrees offered / Master's degrees offered
Available degrees in the Industrial field
- Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Dual degree in Thermal Engineering (new for the academic year 2023-2024)
- Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Design Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering
International programs
Available degrees in the field of Computer Science and Telecommunications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
- Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
International programs
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (does not admit new registrations)
- International Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (does not admit new registrations)
Double Degrees
Offer of Master's degrees available in the Industrial field
Master's degrees
- Master’s Degree in Project Management
- Master's degree in Renewable Energy: Conversion of Electrical Power and Grid Integration of Wind and Photovoltaic Systems
- Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering (going extinct)
- Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Computational and Applied Mechanical Engineering
Double Master's Degrees
Offer of Master's degrees available in the field of Computer Science and Telecommunications
Master's degrees
- Master's degree in Cybersecurity
- Master's degree in Advanced Communication and Artificial Vision
- Master’s degree in Project Management
- Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Master’s degree in Computer Engineering
- Master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- Master’s degree in Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Computer Science