Higher Technical School of Industrial and ICT Engineering
End-of-studies project
Find out all about deadlines, topics or regulations about your end-of-degree project.
Master’s degree
Find out all about deadlines, topics or regulations about your end-of-Master’s-degree project
End-of-studies project awards
Find out about the awards your end-of-studies project may be applicable for
The End-of-studies project (TFE) is a project or paper obligatory to obtain a university degree. Depending on the type of degree, it may be an End-of-degree project (TFG) or end-of-Master’s-degree project (TFM). It is individual work which must be defended before an assessment tribunal. The specific competences acquired in a particular area must be shown. All the generic competences must be developed, too.
It may be carried out together with a research group, in an institution or a domestic or foreign company.
The TFG is a summary of the knowledge and competencies acquired throughout the degree, so it must be developed on the last stretch of the studies.