Graphene-based electrodes for silicon heterojunction solar cell technology
Torres I.; Fernández S.; Fernández-Vallejo M.; Arnedo I.; Gandía J.J.
Year: 2021
Journal: Materials
Cavidad láser de fibra óptica multibanda basada en reflectores pseudoaleatorios cuasidistribuidos
Sánchez-González, A.; Pérez-Herrera, R. A.; Roldán-Varona, P.; Rodríguez-Cobo, L.; López-Higuera, J. M.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: Óptica pura y aplicada
Robust Tolerance Design of Bandpass Filter with Improved Frequency Response for Q-Band Satellite Applications
Sami, A.; Teberio, F.; Miranda, L.; Arnedo, I.; Martin-Iglesias, P.; Benito, D.; Lopetegi, T.; Laso, M.A.G.; Arregui, I.
Year: 2021
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
Two-wavelength phase-sensitive OTDR sensor using perfect periodic correlation codes for measurement range enhancement, noise reduction and fading compensation
Sagues, M.; Piñeiro, E.; Cerri, E.; Minardo, A.; Eyal, A.; Loayssa, A.
Year: 2021
Journal: Optics Express
Liquid level sensor based on dynamic Fabry-Perot interferometers in processed capillary fiber
Roldán-Varona, P.; Pérez-Herrera, R.A.; Rodríguez-Cobo, L.; Reyes-González, L.; López-Amo, M.; López-Higuera, J.M.
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Rep.
Hybrid Raman-erbium random fiber laser with a half open cavity assisted by artificially controlled backscattering fiber reflectors
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Roldan-Varona, P.; Galarza, M.; Sañudo-Lasagabaster, S.; Rodriguez-Cobo, L.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Rep.
Single Longitudinal Mode Lasers by Using Artificially Controlled Backscattering Erbium Doped Fibers
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Roldan-Varona, P.; Cobo, L.R.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: IEEE Access
Microdrilled tapers to enhance optical fiber lasers for sensing
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Bravo, M.; Roldan-Varona, P.; Leandro, D.; Rodriguez-Cobo, L.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Rep.
Gamification for photonics students: labescape
Pérez-Herrera, R. A.; Tainta, S.; Elosúa, C.
Year: 2021
Journal: Optics
Multiparameter sensor based on a multi-interferometric serial configuration for temperature and strain measurements
Perez-Herrera, R. A.; Bravo, M.; Leandro, D.; Novais, S.; Pradas, J.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in quantum Electronics
Informe Optoel 2021
Mateo, J.; Flores, M. T.; López-Amo, M.; Andrés, M. V.; Bao, C.; Zubia, J.; Garcés, I.
Year: 2021
Journal: Óptica pura y aplicada
Phase noise effects on phase-sensitive OTDR sensors using optical pulse compression
Loayssa, A.; Sagues, M.; Eyal, A.
Year: 2021
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Experimental development and testing of low-cost scalable radiative cooling materials for building applications
Carlosena, L.; Andueza, Á.; Torres, L.; Irulegi, O.; Hernández-Minguillón, R.J.; Sevilla, J.; Santamouris, M.
Year: 2021
Journal: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells
Shear based gap control in 2D photonic quasicrystals of dielectric cylinders
Andueza Á.; Sevilla J.; Pérez-Conde J.; Wang K.
Year: 2021
Journal: Optics Express
Enhanced thermal performance of photovoltaic panels based on glass surface texturization
Andueza Á.; Pinto C.; Navajas D.; Sevilla J.
Year: 2021
Journal: Optical Materials
Strain sensing based on resonant states in 2D dielectric photonic quasicrystals
Andueza, A.; Pérez-Conde, J.; Sevilla, J.
Year: 2021
Journal: Optics Express