Transmitted Optical Power through a Tapered Single Mode Fiber Under Dynamic bending Effects
Matías, I.R.; Fernández-Valdivielso, C.; Arregui, F.J., Bariáin, C.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Fiber and Integrated Optics
Analysis of the reflection properties in electromagnetic bandgap coplanar waveguides loaded with reactive elements
Martín F.; Falcone F.; Lopetegi T.; Gómez Laso M.A.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
Periodic-loaded sinusoidal patterned electromagnetic bandgap coplanar waveguides
Martín F.; Falcone F.; Bonache J.; Lopetegi T.; Laso M.A.G.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
New electromagnetic bandgap nonlinear coplanar waveguides
Martín F.; Falcone F.; Bonache J.; Lopetegi T.; Laso M.A.G.; Carreras J.L.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Dual electromagnetic bandgap CPW structures for filter applications
Martín F.; Falcone F.; Bonache J.; Gómez Laso M.A.; Lopetegi T.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
New CPW low pass filter based on a slow wave structure
Martín F.; Falcone F.; Bonache J.; Gómez Laso M.A.; Lopetegi T.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Frequency Tuning in Electromagnetic Bandgap Nonlinear Transmission Lines
Martín F.; Carreras J.L.; Bonache J.; Lopetegi T.; Gómez Laso M.A.; Falcone F.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Electronics Letters
Design and Performance of the Bidirectional Optical Single Sideband Modulator
Loayssa A.; Lim C.; Nirmalathas A.; Benito D.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Optical Single Sideband Modulator for Radio over Fiber Applications
Loayssa A.; Lim C.; Nirmalathas A.; Benito D.
Year: 2003
Journal: Electronics Letters
Optical Single Sideband Modulator for Broadband Subcarrier Multiplexing Systems
Loayssa A.; Lim C.; Nirmalathas A.; Benito D.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Real-time spectrum analysis in microstrip technology
Gómez Laso M.A.; Lopetegi T.; Erro M.J.; Benito D.; Garde M.J.; Muriel M.A.; Sorolla M.; Guglielmi M.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
Evanescent wave optical-fiber sensing (Temperature, relative humidity and pH sensors)
Gastón A.; Lozano I.; Perez F.; Auza F.; Sevilla J.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Sens. J.
A new Spot-Size Converter concept using Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides
Galarza M.; De Mesel K.; Verstuyft S.; Aramburu C.; López-Amo M.; Moerman I.; Van Daele P.; Baets R.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Compact spot-size converters using fiber matched antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides
Galarza M.; De Mesel K.; Baets R.; Martinez A.; Aramburu C.; López-Amo M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Applied Optics
A Comparison of the Peerformance of Dirrerent Tapers in Continuous Microstrip Electromagnetic Crystals
Erro M.J.; Gómez Laso M.A.; Lopetegi T.; Garde M.J.; Benito D.; Sorolla M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
La eficiencia de las organizaciones hospitalarias
Cabasés JM; Martín JJ.; López del Amo M.P.; Puerto M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Papeles de Economía Española
Análisis de la variación del campo eléctrico superficial con la temperatura en GaAs
Álvarez-Botero, G.; Prias-Barragan, J. J.; Espinosa-Arbeláez, D. G.; Ariza-Calderón, H
Year: 2003
Journal: Rev. Col. Fís.
Transparent network for hybrid multiplexing of FBG and intensity-modulated fiber optic sensors
Abad S.; Araujo F.M.; Ferreira L.A.; Santos J.L López-Amo M.
Year: 2003
Journal: Applied Optics
Interrogation of wavelength multiplexed fibre Bragg grating using spectral filtering and amplitude to phase optical conversion
Abad S.; Araujo F.M.; Ferreira L.A.; Santos J.L.; López-Amo M.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Comparative analysis of wavelength-multiplexed photonic sensor network using fused biconical WDMs
Abad, S.; Araujo, F.M.; Ferreira, L.A.; Santos, J.L López-Amo, M.
Year: 2003
Journal: IEEE Sens. J.