Experimental assessment of access guides first-order mode effect pm MMI couplers
Vázquez, C.; Aramburu, C.; Galarza, M.; López-Amo.M.
Year: 2001
Journal: Optical Engineering
Monolithically integrated multi-wavelength laser by selective area growth with metal organic vapour phase epitaxy
Van Caenegem T.; Van Thourhout D.; Galarza M.; Verstuyft S.; Moerman I.; Van Daele P.; Baets R.; Demeester P.; Herben C.G.P.; Leijtens X.J.L.; Smit M.K.
Year: 2001
Journal: Electronics Letters
Multiwavelength fiber laser sources with bragg grating sensor multiplexing capability
Talaverano L.; Abad S.; Jarabo S.; López-Amo M.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
High sensitivity temperature sensor based on side-polished optic fiber
Senosiain J.; Díaz I.; Gastón A.; Sevilla J.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement
Low cost extrinsic optical amplitude modulator based on a tapered single-mode optical fiber
Matías, I.R.; López-Amo, M.; Montero, F.; Fernández-Valdivieso, C.; Arregui, F.J.; Bariain, C.
Year: 2001
Journal: Applied Optics
New Microstrip ¿Wiggly-Line¿ Filters With Spurious Passband Suppression
Lopetegi, T.; Laso, M.A.G.; Hernández, J.; Bacaicoa, M.; Benito, D.; Garde, M.J.; Sorolla, M.; Guglielmi, M.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
High-resolution measurement of simulated brillouin scattering spectra in singlemode fibres
Loayssa A.; Benito D.; Garde M.J.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE P-Optoelectron
Narrow-bandwidth tecnique for stimulated brillouin spectral characterization
Loayssa A.; Benito D.; Garde M.J.
Year: 2001
Journal: Electronics Letters
Single-sideband suppressed carrier modulation using a single-electrode electroopic modulator
Loaysa A.; Benito D.; Garde M.J.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Chirped delay lines in microstrip technology
Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegi, T.; Erro, M.J.; Benito, D.; Garde, M.J.; Muriel, M.A.; Sorolla, M.; Guglielmi, M.
Year: 2001
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
Modelling of InGaAsP-InP 1,55 um lasers with integrated mode expanders using fiber-matched leaky waveguides
Galarza M.; De Mesel K.; Fuentes D.; Baets R.; López-Amo M.
Year: 2001
Journal: Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics
Electrically tunable despersion compensation in a high bit rate TDM system using fiber bragg gratings
Erro, M.J.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegi, T.; Benito, D.; Garde, M.J.,
Year: 2001
Journal: Electronics Letters
PBG-type microstrip filters with one and two side pattens
Akalin, T.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegi, T.; Vanbésien, O.; Sorolla, M.; Lippens, D.
Year: 2001
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Comunicación óptica avanzando hacia redes transparentes
Abad, S.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2001
Journal: Infocomunicaciones
Multiplexing of fibre optic intensity sesors using biconical wavength selective couplers
Abad S.; Araujo F.M.; Ferreira L.A.; Santos J.L.; López-Amo M.
Year: 2001
Journal: Electronics Letters