Long-range hybrid network with point and distributed Brillouin sensors using Raman amplification
Zornoza, A.; Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Elosua, C.; Diaz, S.; Bariain, C.; Loayssa, A.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Optics Express
Brillouin distributed sensor using RF shaping of pump pulses
Zornoza A.; Olier D.; Sagues M.; Loayssa A.
Year: 2010
Journal: Measurement science and technology
Dynamic microwave photonic filter using separate carrier tuning based on stimulated brillouin scattering in fibers
Sancho, J.; Chin, S.; Sagües, M.; Loayssa, A.; Lloret, J.; Gasulla, I.; Sales, S.; Thevenaz, L.; Capmany, J.
Year: 2010
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Orthogonally polarized optical single sideband modulation for microwave photonics processing using stimulated brillouin scattering
Sagüés, M.; Loayssa, A.
Year: 2010
Journal: Optics Express
Swept optical single sideband modulation for spectral measurement applications using stimulated Brillouin scattering
Sagüés, M.; Loayssa, A.
Year: 2010
Journal: Optics Express
Multiwavelength fiber laser based on a photonic crystal fiber loop mirror with cooperative Rayleigh scattering
Rodriguez Pinto, A.M.; Frazao, O.; Santos, J.L.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics
Stabilization of dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber ring lasers by single-mode operation
Quintela, M.A.; Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Canales, I.; Fernandez-Vallejo, M.; Lopez-Amo, M.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.
Year: 2010
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Interrogation of a suspended-core Fabry-Perot temperature sensor through a dual wavelength Raman fiber laser
Pinto, A.M.R.; Frazao, O.; Santos, J.L.; López-Amo, M.; Kobelke, J.; Schuster, K.
Year: 2010
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Stability comparison of two quadruple-wavelength switchable erbium-doped fiber lasers
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Fernandez-Vallejo, M.; Diaz, S.; Angeles Quintela, M.; Lopez-Amo, M.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Optical Fiber Technology
Experimental optimization in terms of power stability and output power of highly erbium-doped fiber lasers with single and hybrid cavities
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Chen, S.; Zhao, W.; Sun, T.; Grattan, K.T.V.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Fiber and Integrated Optics
Stability performance of short cavity Er-doped fiber lasers
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Chen, S.; Zhao, W.; Sun, T.; Grattan, K.T.V.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Optics Communications
Resilient long-distance sensor system using a multiwavelength Raman laser
Fernandez-Vallejo, M.; Diaz, S.; Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Passaro, D.; Selleri, S.; Quintela, M.A.; Higuera, J.M.L.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Measurement science and technology
A Compact Design of High-Power Spurious-Free Low-Pass Waveguide Filter
Arregui, I.; Arnedo, I.; Lujambio, A.; Chudzik, M.;Benito, D.; Jost, R.; Gortz, F.; Lopetegi, T.; Gómez Laso, M.A.
Year: 2010
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
Design method for satellite output multiplexer low-pass filters exhibiting spurious-free frequency behavior and high-power operation
Arregui, I.; Arnedo, I.; Lujambio, A.; Chudzik, M.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegi, T.; Sorolla, M.
Year: 2010
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Geometry influence on the transmission spectra of dielectric single layers of spheres with different compactness
Andueza, A.; Echeverria, R.; Morales, P.; Sevilla, J.
Year: 2010
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics