Non compact single- layers of dielectric spheres electromagnetic behaviour
Sevilla, J.; Andueza, A.
Year: 2007
Journal: Optical and Quantum Electronics
Multitap complex-coefficient incoherent microwave photonic filters based on stimulated Brillouin scattering
Sagües, M.; Loayssa, A.; Capmany, J.
Year: 2007
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Left-handed behaviour in microstrip line loaded with squared split-ring resonators and an EBG pattern
Navarro-Cía, M.; Falcone, F.; Beruete, M.; Arnedo, I.; Illescas, J.; Marcotegui, J.A.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegui, T.
Year: 2007
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Protection Architectures for WDM Optical Fibre Bus Sensor Arrays
López Izquierdo, E.; Urquhart, P.; López-Amo Sainz, P.
Year: 2007
Journal: Journal of engineering, computing and architecture
A quasi-distributed level sensor based on bent side-polished plastic optical fibre cable
Lomer, M.; Quintela, A.; López-Amo, M.; Zubia, J.; López-Higuera, J.M.
Year: 2007
Journal: Measurement science and technology
Phase Reconstruction in Photonic Crystals From S-Parameter Magnitude in Microstrip Technology
Erro, M.J.; Arnedo, I.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegui, T.; Muriel, M.A.
Year: 2007
Journal: Optical and Quantum Electronics
Double Raman amplified bus networks for wavelength-division multiplexing of fiber optic sensors
Díaz, S.; Cerrolaza, B.; Lasheras, G.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2007
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Gain Equalization methods in Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
De Benito, P.; Díaz, S.; Abad, S.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2007
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Efecto del espesor de películas de ferritas de MnZn sobre su respuesta magnética
Calle, V. H.; Álvarez-Botero, G.; Calle, C.; Cuéllar, F.; Delgado, E.; Echevery, J. P.; Gómez, M. E.; Mendoza, A.
Year: 2007
Journal: Rev. Col. Fís.
Parametrical study of Left-Handed or Right-Handed propagation by Stacking Hole Arrays
Beruete, M.; Navarro Cía, M.; Campillo, I.; Falcone, F.; Arnedo, I.; Sorolla, M.
Year: 2007
Journal: Optical and Quantum Electronics
Comparison of the Tuning Capability of Erbium Doped Multi- wavelength Ring Lasers having different Host Fiber Material
Barroso Moreno, N.;Diaz Lucas, S.;Abad Valtierra, S.; López-Amo Sainz, M.
Year: 2007
Journal: Journal of optical communications
Design of Microwave Filters with Arbitrary Frequency Response Based on Digital Methods
Arnedo, I.; Lujambio, A.; Lopetegui, T.; Laso, M.A.G.
Year: 2007
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
Forward and backward leaky wave radiation in split-ring-resonator-based metamaterials
Arnedo, I.; Illescas, J.; Flores, M.; Lopetegui, T.; Laso, M.A.G.; Falcone, F.; Bonache, J.; García-Garcia, J.; Martín, F.; Marcotegui, J.A.; Marqués, R.; Sorolla, M.
Year: 2007
Journal: IEE Microwaves, Antenas & Propagation
Polarized optical feedback from an extremely short external cavity for controlling and stabilizing the polarization of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
Arizaleta, M.; Parriaux, O.; López-Amo, M.; Thienpont, H.; Panajotov, K.
Year: 2007
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
The role of reflectivity of external cavity for achieving polarization control and stabilization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
Arizaleta, M.; López-Amo, M.; Thienpont, H.; Panajotov, K.
Year: 2007
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Spectral properties of edge-emitting semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback from extremely short external cavity
Arizaleta, M.; López-Amo, M.; Hernández, J.; Koltys, K.; Tabaka, A.; Thienpont, H.; Panajotov, K.
Year: 2007
Journal: Optical and Quantum Electronics