Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensor assisted by Brillouin distributed amplification of pump pulses
Urricelqui, J.; Sagues, M.; Loayssa, A.
Year: 2015
Journal: Optics Express
High-speed railway tunnel monitoring using point, long gauge and distributed strain and temperature fiber optic sensors [Monitorización de deformaciones y temperaturas en la estructura de un túnel artificial de alta velocidad mediante sensores ópticos puntuales, de longitud y distribuidos]
Torres, B.; Payá-Zaforteza, I.; Barrera, D.; Alvarado, Y.A.; Calderón, P.A.; Loayssa, A.; Sagüés, M.; Zornoza, A.; Sales, S.
Year: 2015
Journal: Informes de la Construcción
High-Power Waveguide Low-Pass Filter with All-Higher-Order Mode Suppression over a Wide-Band for Ka-Band Satellite Applications
Teberio, F.; Arregui, I.; Gomez-Torrent, A.; Menargues, E.; Arnedo, I.; Chudzik, M.; Zedler, M.; Görtz, F.-J.; Jost, R.; Lopetegi, T.; Laso, M.A.G.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett.
Overcoming Nonlocal Effects and Brillouin Threshold Limitations in Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Sensors
Ruiz-Lombera, R.; Urricelqui, J.; Sagues, M.; Mirapeix, J.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.; Loayssa, A.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Photonics Journal
Multimodal Interferometer Based on a Suspended Core Fiber for Simultaneous Measurement of Physical Parameters
Rota-Rodrigo, S.; López-Amo, M.; Kobelke, J.; Schuster, K.; Santos, J.L.; Frazão, O.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Compound lasing fiber optic ring resonators for sensor sensitivity enhancement
Rota-Rodrigo, S.; González-Herráez, M.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Single-longitudinal-mode dual wavelength-switchable fiber laser based on superposed fiber bragg gratings
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Rodriguez-Cobo, L.; Quintela, M.A.; Lopez-Higuera, J.M.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Photonics Journal
Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature based on clover microstructured fiber loop mirror
Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Andre, R.M.; Silva, S.F.; Becker, M.; Schuster, K.; Kobelke, J.; Lopez-Amo, M.; Santos, J.L.; Frazao, O.
Year: 2015
Journal: Measurement
Characterization and modeling of the capacitive HBC Channel
Pereira, M. D.; Alvarez-Botero, G. A.; Rangel de Sousa, F.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of a Hybrid Fabry-Pérot Cavity for Temperature Sensing
Lopez-Aldaba, A.; Rodrigues-Pinto, A.M.; Lopez-Amo, M.; Frazao, O.; Santos, J.L.; Baptista, J.M.; Baierl, H.; Auguste, J.L.; Jamier, R.; Roy, P.
Year: 2015
Journal: Sensors
Vertically coupled microring resonators using one epitaxial growth step and single-side lithography
Lopez, O.G.; Van Thourhout, D.; Lasaosa, D.; Lopez-Amo, M.; Baets, R.; Galarza, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: Optics Express
Narrow-Linewidth Multi-Wavelength Random Distributed Feedback Laser
Leandro, D.; Rota-Rodrigo, S.; Ardanaz, D.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Experimental study of the SLM behavior and remote sensing applications of a multi-wavelength fiber laser topology based on DWDMs
Leandro, D.; Perez-Herrera, R.A.; Iturri, I.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: Applied Physics B. Lasers and Optics
Real-Time FFT Analysis for Interferometric Sensors Multiplexing
Leandro, D.; Bravo, M.; Ortigosa, A.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
High resolution polarization-independent high-birefringence fiber loop mirror sensor
Leandro, D.; Bravo, M.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: Optics Express
Optimization of the Available Spectrum of a WDM Sensors Network Using a Mode-Locked Laser
Fernandez-Vallejo, M.; Ardanaz, D.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Ultrafast electrooptic dual-comb interferometry
Duran, V.; Tainta, S.; Torres-Company, V.
Year: 2015
Journal: Optics Express
Stable multiwavelength erbium fiber ring laser with optical feedback for remote sensing
Diaz, S.; Leandro, D.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Fully switchable multi-wavelength fiber lasers based on random distributed feedback for sensors interrogation
Bravo, M.; De Miguel Soto, V.; Cayetano, A.O.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology
Direct and Exact Synthesis: Controlling the Microwaves by Means of Synthesized Passive Components with Smooth Profiles
Arnedo, I.; Arregui, I.; Chudzik, M.; Teberio, F.; Lujambio, A.; Benito, D.; Lopetegi, T.; Laso, M.A.G.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE Microwave Magazine
Electromagnetic resonant modes of dielectric sphere bilayers
Andueza, A.; Perez-Conde, J.; Sevilla, J.
Year: 2015
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Consistent modeling and power gain analysis of microwave SiGe HBTs in CE and CB configurations
Álvarez-Botero, G.; Torres-Torres, R.; Murphy-Arteaga, R. S.
Year: 2015
Journal: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques