Estudio zonal de películas de GaInAsSb/GaSb por fotorreflectancia
Prías-Barragán, J. J.; Espinosa-Arbeláez, D. G.; Álvarez-Botero, G.; Fonthal, G.; Tirado-Mejía, L.; Ariza-Calderón, H.
Year: 2006
Journal: Rev. Col. Fís.
Novel Technique for Implementing Incoherent Microwave Photonic Filters With Negative Coefficients Using Phase Modulation and Single Sideband Selection
Mora, J.; Capmany, J.; Loayssa, A.; Pastor, D.
Year: 2006
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Amplified Fiberoptic Networks for Sensor Multiplexing
López-Amo, M.; Abad, S.
Year: 2006
Journal: Jpn. j. appl. phys.
Broadband RF photonic phase-shifter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering and single sideband modulation
Loayssa, A.; Lahoz, F.J.
Year: 2006
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Demonstration of incoherent microwave photonic filters with all-optical complex coefficients
Loayssa, A.; Capmany, J.; Sagüés, M.; Mora, J.
Year: 2006
Journal: IEEE Photonic Tech L
Adaptive filters applied to the Interrogation of Photonic Sensors
Jáuregui, C.; López-Higuera J.M.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2006
Journal: IEEE Sens. J.
Novel Microstrip Backward Coupler with Metamaterial Cells for Fully Planar Fabrication Techniques
Jarauta, E.; Laso, M.A.G.; Lopetegui, T.; Falcone, F.; Beruete, M.; Baena, J.D.; Bonache, J.; Gil, I.; García-García, J.; Marcotegui, J.A.; Martín, F.; Marqués, R.; Sorolla, M.
Year: 2006
Journal: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Dependencia con la temperatura de la energía de la transición fundamental y el parámetro de ensanchamiento en muestras GaInAsSb determinada por fotorreflectancia
Espinosa-Arbeláez, D. G.; Prias-Barragán, J. J.; Álvarez-Botero, G.; Torres, L.; Fonthal, G.; Ariza-Calderón, H.
Year: 2006
Journal: Rev. Col. Fís.
Multiwavelength raman fiber ring lasers with Bragg-Grating sensor multiplexing capability
Díaz, S.; López-Amo, M.
Year: 2006
Journal: Journal of optical communications
Comparison of wavelength-division-multiplexed distributed fiber Raman amplifier networks for sensors
Diaz, S.; Lopez-Amo, M.
Year: 2006
Journal: Optics Express
Ku-Band High-Power Low-Pass Filter with Spurious Rejection
Arnedo, I.; Gil, J.; Ortiz, N.; Lopetegui, T.; Laso, M.A.G.; Thumm, M.; Sorolla, M.; Schmitt, D.; Guglielmi, M.
Year: 2006
Journal: Electronics Letters
Tailoring light polarization in VCSELs by isotropic optical feedback from an extremely short external cavity
Arizaleta, M.; López-Amo, M.; Thienpont, H.; Panajotov, K.
Year: 2006
Journal: Applied Physics Letters