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Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Get ready to face the requirements of information society and recent technological evolution in the areas of advanced communications, new generation networks, artificial vision, multimedia applications development and business.
This master's degree qualifies you to work as a telecommunication engineer

Modules and professors

Plan de estudios: acceso a partir del curso 2021-2022


Curriculum code: 7205 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 720501 Communication systems 9
1º S 720502 Design and management of networks 4.5
1º S 720503 Design of telematic applications 4.5
1º S 720504 Multimedia signal processing 9
1º S 720505 Electronic design of communications systems 4.5
1º S 720506 Sensors and instrumentation 4.5
1º S 720507 Management and direction of ICT projects I 3
2º S 720508 New generation networks 6
2º S 720509 Advanced communication systems 6
2º S 720510 Integrated and embedded systems 6
2º S 720511 Deployment of multimedia services 6
2º S 720512 Management and direction of ICT projects II 6
second year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 720590 Final Master's Project 18

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
2 1º S 720513 Business practices 12
2 1º S 720589 Complement to the Final Work Master 12

class="-mb-4"> List of Core and Compulsory subjects: Curriculum code: 722 -  - (2024/2025)
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List of Optative subjects: Curriculum code:  722 --2024/2025
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