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Master's Degree in Social Intervention with Individuals, Families and Groups

Learn how to intervene effectively to improve the problems of people and groups in situations of vulnerability or social unprotection. Receive the necessary research training to address social problems and to be able to access, upon completion of the Master's Degree, the Doctorate studies.

Modules and professors


Plan de estudios: acceso a partir del curso 2022-2023

Curriculum code: 7302 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 730201 Social intervention with families 4
1º S 730202 Socio-educational intervention 4
1º S 730203 4
1º S 730204 Psycho-social intervention with groups 4
1º S 730205 Models and techniques of social intervention 4
1º S 730206 Social policies in transformation 4
2º S 730207 Ethical dilemmas of social intervention in the ethical decision-making process 4
2º S 730208 4
second year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1º S 730209 Evaluation and Planning of Social Intervention 3
1º S 730210 Quantitative Research Methodology 3
1º S 730211 Qualitative Research Methodology 3
1º S 730212 Practical training in institutions 6
1º S 730213 Supervision 3
1º S 730290 Final Master's Project 12

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 1º S 730214 Gender and feminist theory 4
1 1º S 730215 Gender inequalities and intersectionality 4
1 1º S 730219 Family, childhood, adolescence and the welfare state 4
1 2º S 730216 Gender-responsive intervention 4
1 2º S 730217 Gender-based violence 4
1 2º S 730218 The professional figure of the gender equality agent 4
1 2º S 730220 Social intervention in chilhood and adolescence 4
1 2º S 730221 4
1 2º S 730222 Positive parenting 4
1 2º S 730223 Conflict Resolution and Family Mediation 4

Plan de estudios: acceso anterior al curso 2022-2023

Curriculum code: 7301 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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second year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 730190 Final Master's Project 18

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
2 1º S 730111 Diagnosis of gender inequalities 6
2 1º S 730113 Gender perspective: an interdisciplinary approach 6
2 1º S 730120 Family, childhood, adolescence and the welfare state 6
2 2º S 730112 Gender perspective in social intervention projects 6
2 2º S 730114 Gender violence 6
2 2º S 730115 The professional figure of equality agent 6
2 2º S 730121 Social intervention in chilhood and adolescence 6
2 2º S 730122 Social intervention with families in special situations 6
2 2º S 730123 Mediation and family education 6