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Master's Degree in Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry

Get ready to research and develop projects in the field of synthesis or to work in companies related to organic compounds.
This master's degree has an inter-university character and simultaneously provides the degree from the Universities of the Basque Country, Valladolid and the Public University of Navarre.

Modules and professors


Curriculum: Access from academic year 2023-2024 on

Curriculum code: 7507 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 750790 Final Master's Project 30
1º S 750701 Metals in synthesis 3
1º S 750702 Stereocontrolled synthesis 3
1º S 750703 Advanced chemical synthesis 3
1º S 750704 Methods of structural determination 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 Anual 750720 Advanced seminars 3
1 1º S 750705 Bioorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry 3
1 1º S 750706 Natural products: synthesis, biosynthesis and applications 3
1 1º S 750708 Theoretical and computational chemistry 3
1 1º S 750713 Pharmaceutical synthesis and design 3
1 1º S 750715 Solid phase synthesis and combinatory chemistry 3
1 1º S 750721 Medicinal Chemistry 3
1 1º S 750722 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3
1 2º S 750710 Molecular materials. Synthesis and methods of study 3
1 2º S 750711 Homogeneous catalysis 3

Curriculum: Access before academic year 2023-2024

Curriculum code: 219 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 71033 Final Master's Project 18
Anual 72959 Final Master's Project 30
1º S 71516 Metals in synthesis 3
1º S 71517 Stereocontrolled synthesis 3
1º S 72954 Advanced chemical synthesis 3
1º S 72955 Methods of structural determination 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 Anual 71537 Advanced seminars 3
1 1º S 71522 Bioorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry 3
1 1º S 71524 Natural products: synthesis, biosynthesis and applications 3
1 1º S 71526 Theoretical and computational chemistry 3
1 1º S 71527 Pharmaceutical synthesis and design 3
1 1º S 71530 Solid phase synthesis and combinatory chemistry 3
1 1º S 72956 Medicinal Chemistry 3
1 1º S 72957 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3
1 2º S 71528 Molecular materials. Synthesis and methods of study 3
1 2º S 72958 Homogeneous catalysis 3