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Master’s Degree in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering


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Acquire specialised training on the most relevant scientific foundations and technological applications of Manufacturing Processes Engineering and Materials Technologies.

Modules and professors


Curriculum: Access from academic year 2023-2024 on

Curriculum code: 7208 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 720890 Final Master's Project 12
1º S 720801 Introduction to composite materials 3
1º S 720802 Machining and high speed machining processes 6
1º S 720803 Plastic deformation processes: fundamentals and applications 6
1º S 720804 Calibration of instruments and industrial metrology 3
1º S 720805 Finite element simulation of manufacturing processes 6
1º S 720806 Surface engineering. Friction and wear 3
1º S 720807 Fundamentals and applications of fracture mechanics 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 1º S 720889 Functional Coatings (online) 3
1 2º S 720811 Design, verification and testing of machine tools 3
1 2º S 720812 Magnetic Materials: synthesis, properties and characterization 3
1 2º S 720813 Advanced metal alloys 3
1 2º S 720814 Forming processes and technological applications of polymeric materials 3
1 2º S 720815 Manufacturing technologies: historical analysis, evolution and current trends 3
1 2º S 720816 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 3
1 2º S 720817 Heat and surface treatment technology 3
1 2º S 720819 Oxidation and Corrosion 3

Curriculum: Access before academic year 2023-2024

Curriculum code: 703 - List of Core and Compulsory subjects - (2024/2025)

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first year
Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
Anual 71878 Final Master's Project 12
1º S 71169 Introduction to composite materials 3
1º S 71604 Machining and high speed machining processes 6
1º S 72132 Plastic deformation processes: fundamentals and applications 6
1º S 72137 Calibration of instruments and industrial metrology 3
1º S 72138 Finite element simulation of manufacturing processes 6
1º S 72147 Surface engineering. Friction and wear 3
1º S 72148 Fundamentals and applications of fracture mechanics 3

List of Optative subjects

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List of Optative subjects
Year Periodo Code Subject ECTS SPA BAS ENG
1 1º S 73342 Functional Coatings (online) 3
1 2º S 71267 Characterization and testing techniques of polymeric materials 3
1 2º S 71269 Simulation and optimization of industrial processes 3
1 2º S 71274 Design, verification and testing of machine tools 3
1 2º S 71275 Magnetic Materials: synthesis, properties and characterization 3
1 2º S 72081 Advanced metal alloys 3
1 2º S 72133 Forming processes and technological applications of polymeric materials 3
1 2º S 72134 Manufacturing technologies: historical analysis, evolution and current trends 3
1 2º S 72135 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 3
1 2º S 72139 Heat and surface treatment technology 3
1 2º S 72143 Oxidation and Corrosion 3