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Master's Degree in Soils and Water Management (biennial)


Pre-registration and registration Pre-registration and registration

Become an expert in the sustainable management of natural resources (soil and water) in the agro-environmental field, both in agricultural and forestry environments.
This master's degree has an inter-university character and provides the degree simultaneously from the University of Lleida, University of Barcelona (UB), Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and the Public University of Navarre
Check the website of the coordinating university

  • Language: Spanish 
  • Credits: 90 ECTS
  • Duration: 3 semesters (1.5 years)
  • Spaces available: 40 (registration, Universitat de Lleida)
  • Modality: blended
  • Academic Director:  Iñigo Virto Quecedo 
  • Faculty or school: School of Agricultural Engineering and Biosciences
  • Where lessons take place: Lleida
  • This Master’s Degree is offered biennially: registration takes place every second year

Timetables and classrooms


En el curso 2020-2021 el máster tendrá carácter semipresencial. Durante el primer semestre se realizarán sesiones a distancia (en el horario establecido, a través de videoconferencia y otras aplicaciones), y la presencialidad para la parte práctica se trasladará al segundo semestre.