Salta al contenido principal
The department
Government and management
- Director:
- Deputy directors:
- Secretary:
- Ex-officio members: teaching and research staff members of the department
- Aguilera Andoaga, Jose Antonio
- Algarra Gonzalez, Manuel
- Ancin Azpilicueta, M. Carmen
- Aragón Garbizu, Carlos
- Arana Burgui, Miguel
- Arrese-Igor Sánchez, Cesareo
- Arricibita Bidegain, Francisco Javier
- Arzamendi Manterola, Maria Cruz
- Beato López, Juan José
- Bimbela Serrano, Fernando
- Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio
- Cornejo Ibergallartu, Alfonso
- De Soto García, Isabel
- Diñeiro Rubial, Jose Manuel
- Enrique Martín, Alberto Agustín
- Esparza Catalán, Irene
- Espinal Viguri, Maialen
- Favieres Ruiz, Cristina
- Gandia Pascual, Luis Maria
- Garayo Urabayen, Eneko
- García Castillo, Jesús María
- Garrido Segovia, Julián José
- Gil Bravo, Antonio
- Gil Monreal, Miriam
- Gómez Polo, Cristina
- González García, Esther María
- Hernández Salueña, Begoña
- Jiménez Moreno, Nerea
- Ibarra Murillo, Julia Fernanda
- Imbert Rodríguez, Juan Bosco
- Korili, Sofia
- Lasa Larrea, Berta
- López Ortega, Alberto
- Martínez Merino, Víctor Javier
- Moran Juez, José Fernando
- Napal Fraile, María
- Navajas León, Alberto
- Odriozola Ibarguren, Jose Manuel
- Olaetxea Indaburu, Maite
- Ortega Hertogs, Ricardo Jesús
- Peralta De Andrés, Francisco Javier
- Pérez De Landazabal Berganzo, Jose Ignacio
- Pérez De Villarreal Zufiaurre, Maider
- Razquin Lizarraga, Jesus Angel
- Recarte Callado, Vicente
- Reinoso Crespo, Santiago
- Reyero Zaragoza, Inés
- Royuela Hernando, Mercedes
- Saenz Gamasa, Carlos
- San Martin Erviti, María Luisa
- San Martin Murugarren, Ricardo
- Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente
- Urbina Yeregui, Antonio
- Uriz Doray, Irantzu
- Vergara Platero, José
- Virto Quecedo, Iñigo
- Zabalza Aznarez, Ana
- Zudaire Ripa, María Isabel
- Representatives of the teaching and researching staff of the department
- Navarro Puyuelo, Andrea
- Pellejero Alcazar, Ismael
- Rosales Reina, Beatriz
- Rubio Galiano, María Isabel
- Sancho Sanz, María Iris
- Sanz Morales, Francisco Javier
- Tomey López, Estanislao
- Representatives of the delegates of degrees in which the department teaches
- García de Garayo Armiño, Miriam
- Imizcoz Aranburu, Mikel
- López Marsa, Marta
- Ramírez Ibañez, Sandra
- Sante Arsenal, Rebeca
- Taberna Zaratiegui, Carlos
- Representative of the Administration and Services staff
- Muruzabal Valencia, Laida
- Representatives of the management team
- Representatives of the sector of teaching and research staff
- Representative of the sector of teaching and researching staff of the department
- Representative of the sector of Administration and Services staff
- Representative of the sector of degrees delegates
Areas of knowledge
- Botany
- Didactis of Experimental Sciences
- Ecology
- Edaphology and Agricultural Chemistry
- Applied Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Vegetable Physiology
- Chemical Engineering
- Analytical Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Zoology
Certificates for PDI