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To apply

Mobility calls open!

Recruitment of STUDENTSstudents from partner universities 2021-2022

Recruitment of STAFF from partner universities 2021-2022

Recruitment of students from partner universities 2021-2022


Recruiment criteria
Proof of language level
Grants amount 
Rules and regulations



First round: 20th December 2021 to 3rd January 2022

Second round: 20th January to 28th February 2022


List of recruited students


and, now?

Obligations of recruited students


Certificate of stay 

                                    Enquiries and doubts


Call for recruitment of international mobility students from partner universities to stay at the Public University of Navarre with an academic certification. Mobility must take place during the Spring Semester 2021-22.



1.- To be enrolled in degree, postgraduate or doctorate official studies from any university on Annex 1 (“Available Vacancies”) at the moment of application and during the whole duration of the mobility. Moreover, degree students shall as a minimum be enrolled in subjects from the second year of higher education.

2.- To show proof for their level (B1 of Spanish or B2 of English) of the language they will be studying in at UPNA.

3.- Not having carried out previous stays within the Erasmus+ framework for longer than 7 months for each educational cycle (degree, master’s degree and doctoral studies).

Recruitment criteria

Recruitment will be accomplished over a maximum of 20 points according to the following criteria:

1.- Academic record: maximum of 10

Student’s academic record will be marked from 0 to 10 and weight proportionately average marks which measuring scale is different from 0 to 10. For such action will bear in mind the rule on the pertinent interinstitutional agreement.

2.- Particularly vulnerable students: 5 points.

This situation must be officially proven from the home university, by attaching the documents that prove so and which meets the requirements established by the programme Erasmus+. Particular vulnerability will be understood as coming from underprivileged environments and fewer opportunities (disability, educational difficulties, economic obstacles, cultural differences, health problems, social obstacles and geographical obstacles. To find out more about this issue, check the Guide Erasmus+ 2019, page 10 on:

3.-  Specific criteria from each home university: maximum of 5 points



Available vacancies 1st round

Available vacancies 2nd round

Proof of the language level

To show proof for their language level (B1 of Spanish or B2 of English)  they will be studying in at UPNA.

Grants amount

Check regulations  (point 6)

Rules and regulations



2º. Application

First round: 20th December 2021 to 3rd January 2022

Second round: 20th January to 28th February 2022 

 There is not a number of positions to award on each round, so applications received in the second round will only be taken into account if there are any vacancy after the first round. The vacancies available in the second round will be allocated directly on a first-come, first-served basis, after verification of the applicants' eligibility.

1. Register  in order to obtain your password. Once you do that, you will receive an email with the password and the link to fill the application form.
The username is the number of the passport or the identity card you have used to register

2. Online Application


  • select the exchange program Erasmus+ K107
  • In the field personal details, those  you have filled in your registration form will be shown here. Please fill in the empty fields and correct any possible mistakes.

In the field called "FACULTY/SCHOOL",  select the Centre "520 Centro Programas Intercambio"

3. Attach
  • A photo (maximum 72 kb). You can see the procedure here. Upload the other documents required too.*Compulsory
  • Copy of identity document (ID card or Passport) .*Compulsory
  • Résumé *Compulsory
  • Proof of enrollment at your home university (pdf format) *Compulsory
  • Lastest version of your transcript of récords (pdf format) *Compulsory
  • "Declaration of equivalence"  or Certificate from your home university stating the average grade (in a 0-10 scale) *Compulsory
  • Learning Agreement”, or doctoral report signed by the thesis supervisor and student.*Compulsory
  • If vulnerable situation: Certificate issued by your home university and its complementary documentation that accredits this circumstance.
  • Motivation letter
  • Accreditation of the level of language in which the studies will be carried out at UPNA

3º. List of recruited students 

First Round

Second Round

The vacancies available in the second round will be allocated directly on a first-come, first-served basis, after verification of the applicants' eligibility.

Obligations of granted students

Any failure to meet these obligations may give rise to repayment of any aid received in the context of the present call.

Once you have been selected, before travelling to your destination:

During your stay

  • Regular attendance to the teaching provided, participation in the corresponding assessment hours and meeting of the academic requirements of the programme you are enrolled.

After your stay:


Guía de conversión de créditos

Guía orientativa de conversión de créditos




Recruiment criteria
Grants amount 
Rules and regulations  


Application: April 12th to April 29th 2022


List of recruited staff


and now?

Obligations of recruited staff


Certificate of stay

Enquiries and doubts:


Call for recruitment of teaching staff and administration and services staff of partner universities within the framework of the Erasmus-Associated Countries program, to carry out a stay at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA).

The visits for training purposes will take place between June 13th and June 17th, 2022, in order to participate in the International Staff Week that will be held at the UPNA. Exceptionally, the Public University of Navarra may admit visits for training purposes on dates other than those indicated, as long as the beneficiary proves the impossibility of participating in the International Staff Week and the visit takes place between May 23th and July 31st, 2022.

Visits for teaching purposes must be coordinated with UPNA teachers and must necessarily take place between May 23th and July 31st, 2022.


1.- To have employment relationship as teaching and research staff or as administration and services staff with any of the universities indicated in Annex I ("Available vacancies"), both at the time of application and throughout the mobility period.

2.- Both teaching and research staff and administration and services staff may request visits for training purposes. Only teaching and research staff may request visits for teaching purposes.

3.- In visits for training purposes, the mobility agreements must be signed by the Internationalisation and Cooperation Section of the UPNA. In visits for teaching purposes, they must be signed by the receiving Department of the Public University of Navarra.

In visits for training purposes, priority will be given to personnel who teach or carry out their work activity in the home institution in the areas indicated in Annex I (“Available vacancies”).


Avalable vacancies

Recruitment criteria

A) Visits for teaching purposes:

The Staff Mobility Agreement Teaching presented by the applicant will be valued out of a total of 100 points:

  • General mobility objectives, 25 points.
  • Added value of mobility (in the context of the modernization and internationalisation strategies of the institutions involved), 25 points.
  • Content of the teaching program, 25 points.
  • Results and expected impact (for example, in the professional development of the teacher and in the students of both institutions), 25 points.

In the event that visits for teaching purposes remain vacant, they may be reconverted to visits for training purposes.

B) Visits for training purposes:

Priority will be given to visits by personnel linked to the areas indicated for each university in Annex I (“Available Vacancies”).
Next, the Staff Mobility Agreeement Training presented by the applicant will be valued out of a total of a 100 points:

  • General mobility objectives, 20 points.
  • Training activity in pedagogical skills and curriculum design, 20 points.
  • Added value of mobility (in the context of the modernization and internationalisation strategies of the institutions involved), 20 points.
  • Planned activities, 20 points.
  • Expected results and impact (for example, on staff professional development and on students from both institutions), 20 points.

Grants amount 

Check regulations (apartado 7)

Rules and regulations

Regulations of the call

Award resolution


April 12th to April 29th 2022

1. Register  To get your password:
You will receive and email with the password and the link to complete the application
2. Online Application


  • The user is the Passport number or identity document that you used to register.
  • In the Exchange program field, you have to select “Erasmus Associated Countries Staff”.
  • In personal data, you must fill the empty fields and correct mistakes.
  • In the Faculty/School field you must choose the option “520 Center for Exchange Programs”.
3. Attach
  • Copy of the Passport or identity document that you used to register.
  • Document issued by university of origin that certifies the employment relationship with the partner university.
  • Staff Mobility Agreement Teaching or Staff Mobility Agreement Training (Annex II), signed by the receiving Department at UPNA, in the case of teaching visits, or by the Internationalisation and Cooperation Section of UPNA, in the case of trainings visits.

List of recruited staff

Obligations of granted staff

Any failure to meet these obligations may give rise to repayment of any aid received in the context of the present call.

Once you have been selected, before travelling to your destination:

  • a) You must sign the Grant Agreement_Teaching and Training and send it to Previously, the Internationalisation and Cooperation Section of the Public University of Navarra will send this document to the granted staff.
  • b) You have to obtain and pay for the visa and any necessary document for the stay abroad, when necessary.
  • c) You always have to follow the instructions from your home university and UPNA for any document processing in relation with your mobility.

After your stay: 

  • d) You must submit your Certificate of Stay at your home university. This document will be provided to you by UPNA’s Internationalisation and Cooperation Section.