Calculation of prevalence estimates through differential equations: application to stroke-related disability
Mar, J.; Sanz-Ezkerra, M.; Moler-Cuiral, J.A.
Year: 2008
Journal: Neuroepidemiology
Expert Judgment-Based Risk Assessment Using Statistical Scenario Analysis: A Case Study Running the Bulls in Pamplona (Spain)
Mallor, F.; García-Olaverri, C.; Gómez-Elvira, S.; Mateo-Collazos, P.
Year: 2008
Journal: Risk Analysis
Multiobjective Optimization in Health Care Management. A metaheuristic and simulation approach
Azcárate, C.; Mallor, F.; Gafaro, A.
Year: 2008
Journal: Algorithmic Operations Research
Optimizing the service capacity by using a speed up simulation
Alberto, I.; Mallor, F.; Mateo, P.
Year: 2008
Journal: European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE)