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Training and consultancy

The DECYL group develops the following procedures:


Statistical knowledge and application are important in business and in the research field. However, the reality is that it is difficult to find trained people who can make good use of such knowledge. That is why DECYL thinks that it is necessary to help improve the theoretical and practical skills in statistics. To do this we promote two types of training:

         - general courses for the correct use of information by professionals with extensive experience in teaching, using the most powerful statistical packages on the market.

         - courses "ad hoc", more specific, adapted to the requirements and theoretical level of the user to respond to the needs of the company or institution.


If what you want is to solve a particular problem or achieve a particular result, as part of the implementation of projects and / or studies DECYL provides statistical consulting services in both, business and particular enviroments.


  • Operational Research consultancy


Dpto. Estadística e I.O. edificio de los Magnolios
Campus de Arrosadia
31006 Pamplona
Tel. +00 34 948 169215
Fax. +00 34 948 169204
Contact by E-mail