Simulation of household electricity consumption by using Functional Data Analysis
Urmeneta-Martin, H.; Mallor-Giménez, F.F.; Moler-Cuiral, J.A.
Year: 2017
Journal: Journal of Simulation
Analysis on the long-term relationship between DNI and CSP Yield production for differetn technologies
Polo, J.; Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Gastón-Romeo, M.
Year: 2017
Journal: Solar Energy
Influence of Age in the Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papiloma Virus in Women with Pre-Neoplasic Cervical Lesions in Navarra, Spain [Influencia de la edad en la prevalencia de virus de papiloma humano de alto riesgo en mujeres con lesiones precursoras de cáncer de cuello uterino en la Comunidad Navarra]
Mercado-Gutiérrez, M.R.; Arean-Cuns, C.; Gómez-Dorronsoro, M.L.; Paniello-Alastruey, I.; Mallor-Giménez, F.; Lozano-Escario, M.D.; Santamaría-Martínez, M.
Year: 2017
Journal: Revista española de salud pública
Heterogeneity of Different Tools for Detecting the Prevalence of Frailty in Nursing Homes: Feasibility and Meaning of Different Approaches
Martínez-Velilla, N.; Aldaz-Herce, P.; Casas-Herrero, Á.; Gutiérrez-Valencia, M.; López Sáez de Asteasu, M.; Sola-Mateos, A.; Conde-Zubillaga, A.; Ibáñez-Beroiz, B.; Galbete, A.; Izquierdo, M.
Year: 2017
Journal: Journla of the American Medical Directors Association
A method for detecting malfunctions in PV solar panels based on electricity production monitoring
Mallor-Giménez F.F.; León, T.; De Boeck, L.; Van Gulck, S.; Meulders, M.; Van der Meerssche, B.
Year: 2017
Journal: Solar Energy
A combination of HARMONIE short time direct normal irradiance forecasts and machine learning: The #hashtdim procedure
Gastón, Martín; Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Kornich, H.; Landelius, T.
Year: 2017
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
The Temporal Distortion Index (TDI): a new procedure to analyze solar radiation forecasts
Gastón, M.; Frías-Paredes, L.; Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Mallor, F.
Year: 2017
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
Assessing energy forecasting inaccuracy by simultaneously considering temporal and absolute errors
Frías-Paredes, L.; Mallor-Giménez, F.; Gastón-Romeo, M.; León, T.
Year: 2017
Journal: Energy Conversion and Management
Dynamic paths: towards high frequency direct normal irradiance forecasts
Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Gastón-Romeo, M.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Kosmale, M.; Martínez-Marco, I.; García-Moya, J.A.; Casado-Rubio, J.L.
Year: 2017
Journal: Energy
Global sensitivity analysis of the blade geometry variables on the wind turbine performance
Echeverría-Dura, F.; Mallor-Giménez, F.F.; San Miguel, U.
Year: 2017
Journal: Wind Energy
Fast Estimation of the Damage Equivalent Load in Blade Geometry Multidisciplinar Optimization
Echeverría-Durá, F.; Mallor-Gimenez, F.; Sanz-Corretge, J.
Year: 2017
Tactical and operational management of wind energy systems with storage using a probabilistic forecast of the energy resource
Azcárate, C.; Mallor, F.; Mateo, P.
Year: 2017
Journal: Renewable Energy
Missing patients in "Major Trauma Registry" of Navarre: incidence and pattern
Ali, B. A; Fortun-Moral, M.; Belzunegui-Otano, T.; Ibañez-Beroiz, B.; Cambra-Kontin, K.; Galbete-Jiménez, A.
Year: 2017
A variable neighborhood search approach for the crew pairing problem
Agustin, A.; Juan, A.; Pardo, E.G.
Year: 2017
Analysis the response structure to a set of questions with large number of scale points: A new combined metric and categorical approach
Abascal-Fernández, E.; Díaz de Rada-Igúzquiza, V.; García-Lautre, I.; Landaluce, M.I.
Year: 2017
Journal: International Journal of Social Research Methodology