The influence os sky conditions on the standardized calibration of pyranometers and on the measurement of global solar irradiation
Salaberry, F.; Olano, X.; García de Jalón, A.; Gastón-Romeo, M.
Año: 2015
Revista: Solar Energy
Spatial Variability and clustering of global solar irradiation in vietnam from sunshine duration measurements
Polo, J.; Gastón-Romeo, M.; Vindel, J.M.; Pagola, I.
Año: 2015
Revista: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Comparison of Heliostat Field Layout Design Methodologies and Impact on Power Plant Efficiency
Mutuberria, A.; Pascual, J.; Guisado, M.V.; Mallor, F.
Año: 2015
Revista: Energy Procedia
Operational management of renewable energy systems with storage using an optimisation-based simulation methodology
Mallor, F.; Azcárate, C.; Blanco, R.; Mateo, P.
Año: 2015
Revista: Journal of Simulation
Optimal control of ICU patient discharge: from theory to implementation
Mallor, F.; Azcárate, C.; Barado, J.
Año: 2015
Revista: Health Care Management Science
Asymptotic Behavior of a Randomization Test for a Response-Adaptive Design
Galbete, A.; Moler, J.A.; Plo, F.
Año: 2015
Revista: Sequential Analysis
Introducing the Temporal Distortion Index to perform a bidimensional analysis of renewable energy forecast
Frías-Paredes, L.; Mallor, F.; León, T.; Gastón-Romeo, M.
Año: 2015
Revista: Energy
Mus: A multiscale stohastic model for generating plausible meteorological years designed for multiyear solar energy yield simulations
Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Gastón-Romeo, M.; Sanchez, M.; García-Barberena, J.; Blanco, M.; Bernardos, A.
Año: 2015
Revista: Solar Energy
Increasing the temporal resolution of direct normal solar irradiance series in different climatic zones
Fernández-Peruchena, C.; Blanco, C.; Gastón-Romeo, M.; Bernardos, A.
Año: 2015
Revista: Solar Energy