The essential aims of INAMAT2 are the promotion of basic and targeted research and the encouragement of technological innovation initiatives through collaboration with the business community. Likewise, one of INAMAT2's fundamental aims is to set up a research centre that is a national and international point of reference in its own lines of research, so that it can serve as a focus of attraction for new technology-intensive companies, as well as for experienced researchers and those in training. The objectives are to promote quality research, to transfer advanced technologies to society, particularly to the industrial environment, to make the most of the University's resources and to strengthen the processes of attracting resources.
INAMAT² focuses its research activity in 3 areas:
- Smart materials and functional coatings
- Nanotechnology applications and materials characterization
- Data science and Mathematical modeling
The results of the research are focused on Health, Industry, Energy and Environment.
- Renewable energy and natural resources: Development of advanced materials and technologies for energy production; as well as the valorization of natural resources and waste through environmentally sustainable processes and technologies for the environment.
- Health: Nanotechnology and advanced technologies for health sector applications, including new coatings and biocompatible materials, nanoparticles for medical treatments, as well as new biomedical sensors and controlled drug release technologies, among others. Analysis and interpretation of information collected in the field of Health Sciences.
- Automotive and mechatronics: New simulation models for the design of production processes, advanced manufacturing technologies and processes, including the manufacture of photonic materials, coatings using laser techniques, and advanced control systems, among others. Possible lines of collaboration with NAITEC are included here.
- Food chain: Development of nanotechnology and biotechnology, functional materials and advanced manufacturing technologies (process engineering)through new materials and products with higher added value and transformation processes that contribute to the development and/or improvement of the efficiency of the agri-food value chain; all in the context of the bioeconomy, environmental sustainability, efficient resource management, process innovation and the circular economy.
- Education, training and transfer and dissemination activities: Education and training of individuals with advanced scientific and technological knowledge. Development of technologies for subsequent transfer to enterprises and technology centres. Communication and dissemination of scientific knowledge to all sectors of society and especially to the youngest, seeking to awaken and encourage scientific vocations within this collective.