Benchmarked estimates in small areas using linear mixed models with restrictions
Ugarte, M.D.; Militino, A.F.; Goicoa, T.
Year: 2009
Journal: Test
Empirical Bayes and Fully Bayes procedures to detect high-risk areas in disease mapping.
Ugarte, M.D.; Goicoa,T.; Militino, A.F.
Year: 2009
Journal: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Estimación del desempleo en áreas muy pequeñas
Ugarte, M.D.; Goicoa, T.; Militino Fernández, A.; Sagaseta-López, M.
Year: 2009
Journal: Sort
Estimating unemployment in very small areas
Ugarte, M.D.; Goicoa, T.; Militino, A.F.; Sagaseta-López, M.
Year: 2009
Journal: Sort
Spline smoothing in small area trend estimation and forecasting
Ugarte, M.D.; Goicoa, T.; Militino, A.F.; Durbán, M.
Year: 2009
Journal: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Evaluating the performance of spatio-temporal Bayesian models in disease mapping
Ugarte, M.D.; Goicoa, T.; Ibáñez, B.; Militino, A.F.
Year: 2009
Journal: Environmetrics
Comments on: Missing Data Methods in Longitudinal Studies. A Review
Ugarte, M.D.
Year: 2009
Journal: Test
Enhancement of thinking skills: effects of two intervention methods
Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga, M. L.; Sanz de Acedo Baquedano, M. T.; Goicoa Mangado, T.; Cardelle-Elawar, M.
Year: 2009
Journal: Thinking Skills and Creativity
Effectiveness of Jeryl Lynn-containing vaccine in Spanish children
Castilla, J.; García-Cenoz, M.; Arriazu, M.; Fernández-Alonso, M.; Martínez-Artola, V.; Etxeberria, J.; Irisarri, F.; Barricarte, A.
Year: 2009
Journal: Vaccine