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SSTCDapp is an interactive web application developed by the Spatial Statistics Group of the Public University of Navarre, Spain supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project MTM2014-51992-R) the Health Department of the Navarre Government (Project 113, Res.2186/2014) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Project MTM2017-82553-R jointly financed by FEDER) .
SSTCDapp has been designed for the following purposes:
The SSTCDapp facilitates the use of these models, since some of them are difficult to implement for non-expert users working in epidemiology or public health institutes. The application may also be used for the analysis of similar problems in many other fields such as criminology, gender-based violence, road traffic accidents or veterinary epidemiology.
The application allows the users to upload their data and its associated cartography, to generate many graphs and tables for the descriptive analysis of mortality/incidence of risks/rates, and last but not least, to fit fairly complex spatio-temporal models to smooth risks in space and time. The recently proposed integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) technique for Bayesian inference is used for model fitting and inference using the R-INLA package.
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