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Aneider Iza Erviti holds a degree in Teaching (specializing in Foreign Language, English) from the Public University of Navarra and a Bachelor's and Doctorate degree in English Philology from the University of La Rioja. She is a Tenured Professor at the Public University of Navarra and a Civil Servant in the Primary Education Teachers' Corps of the Government of Navarra.
Her teaching career has primarily taken place at the Faculty of Arts and Education of the University of La Rioja, where she has taught various subjects related to English language, culture, and didactics, to students in English Studies, Early Childhood and Primary Education, Geography and History, Hispanic Language and Culture, Tourism, and others. She has also supervised students during their curricular and extracurricular teaching practices, as well as their Bachelor's theses in English Studies and Primary and Early Childhood Education, and Master's theses in the Master's program for Teacher Training in Secondary Education at the University of La Rioja. Currently, she teaches in the Bachelor's programs for Primary Education and Early Childhood Education at the Public University of Navarra.
Her research activities have focused on discourse constructions and the figurative use of language from a cognitive perspective. She has participated in various Construction Grammar research projects (research projects FFI2010-17610, FFI2013-43593-P) and in the development of an interlingual analytical database (research project FFI2017-82730-P funded by the Spanish Government). In 2018, she received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of La Rioja for her dissertation and academic trajectory, as well as the 21st AESLA Research Award in the Young Researchers category for her ongoing research on discourse constructions. She has published several articles in high-impact specialized journals and book chapters on this topic. In 2021, she published the book Discourse Constructions in English: Meaning, Form and Hierarchies in the editorial Springer (ranked 21st internationally in SPI). She has participated in over 20 international conferences and has published several papers in conference proceedings.
She serves on the scientific boards of journals such as Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas and Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica, where she has also served as Secretary (from 2017 to 2019) and Editor (in the years 2019 and 2020). She is also the Editor of the Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy and Assistant Editor of the Review of Cognitive Linguistics (published by John Benjamins).