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The Comprehensive Institute "Artemisia Gentileschi" of Rome organizes the event for teacher training
Ana Millán Gasca has presented her didactic research in the Department of Education and the ANFoMAM project
Inmaculada Lizasoain teaches a training course for school teachers
Sessions, that began in the 2016-2017 academic year, are continuing
Aránzazu Fraile, from the University of Alcalá, offered the conference entitled "The mistakes of children and the educational role of math problems"
The conference was held within the framework of the Master in Educational Intervention and Innovation.
Presents the poster "Learn math. What do children with intellectual disabilities teach to teachers in training?" in the XII Conference of Educational Innovation and Educational Research
Trainings are held prior to the Saturday workshops.
The ANFoMAM project, which has obtained 231,510 euros from the Erasmus+ programme, will observe the learning of students with trisomy 21