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Researcher and a cellist, with a vast performing career in symphonic, chamber, early music and popular music settings. He currently teaches at Universidad Pública de Navarra/Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa. He completed his musical studies in Pamplona (Bachelor-Conservatorio Superior, 2009; Master-UPNA, 2013; PhD-UPNA, 2017) and Barcelona (Postgraduate-ESMUC). He is founding member of Zura Quartet, Xu Pinghui, En-Kantu and Orquesta Ciudad de Pamplona-Iruñeko Orkestra. His publications follow three mail research lines: artistic research, the figure of Pablo Casals, and intangible musical heritage of Basque Country and Navarre. His interest in contemporary music, New Music Theatre and experimental music has been transformed into Farout Artistic Research.