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My academic training began in 1997 with a minor degree in Technical Agricultural Engineering (mention in Farming) and continued with a major degree in Agronomy in 2001 and a PhD in 2008, all of them at the Public University of Navarre (UPNA).
I have had several national and international training and work experiences: an Erasmus stage at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (1998-1999); Technical Assistance Manager at CNTA-Laboratorio del Ebro (San Adrián, 2007); Technical-Scientific Director at the company OLUS Tecnología (2008-2013); Prometeo Researcher and Teaching Researcher at the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador, 2014-2018).
From 2018 to 2023 I have worked as a Contract Researcher developing R&D projects in the Department of Agronomy, Biotechnology and Food (Food Technology Area) where I have also collaborated as an Associate Professor in a number of Undergraduate and Master's Degree subjects.
Currently I am part of the Food Technology Area as Assistant Professor, teaching and directing Final Projects of Undergraduate and Master Studies and PhD theses, developed as part of various lines of research funded both with own resources and through external projects (OTRI, national and international) within the ALITEC Research Group, integrated in turn in the ISFOOD Research Institute.