Home > Optical communications group > Research lines > Optical communications
This research line covers five research topics:
The aim of this research line is on developing signal processing techniques with all-optical implementation for the enhancement of the performance of optical communication systems.
Photonics has traditionally been used in optical communication systems just to provide a transparent channel for signal transportation. For instance, as it is schematically depicted in the figure 1 below, in an optical fiber communication system an electrical information signal is transported using an optical channel made of modulated optical sources, fiber optic transmission medium and photodetector. The OSPAS research line is focused on altering this picture, as it is highlighted in figure 2. Its basic motivation is to use photonics not just to carry signals, but to perform signal processing on the signal that is been carried while it still is in the photonics domain. Signal processing functions such as filtering, modulation, mixing, phase-shifting, convolution, etc, that traditionally have been implemented in the electrical domain, can now be performed optically. This brings great advantages in terms of bandwidth, size, weight, EMI immunity,... Furthermore, the use of photonics allows us to develop novel signal processing functions that are simply no possible in the electrical domain.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The specific motivation of this research line of the Optical Communications and Electronics Applications group is to develop novel photonic signal processing techniques to enhance the performance of optical communication systems. Currently the work is concentrated on the following areas:
Contact: Alayn Loayssa, Mikel Sagues