Towards the application of soil organic matter as an indicator of forest ecosystem productivity: Deriving thresholds, developing monitoring systems, and evaluating practices
Seely, B.; Welham, C.; Blanco, J.A.
Año: 2010
Revista: Ecological Indicators
Relationships between Climate and Tree Radial Growth in Interior British Columbia, Canada
Lo Y.-H.; Blanco, J.A.; Seely, B.; Welham, C.; Kimmins, J.P.
Año: 2010
Revista: Forest ecology and management
A word of caution when planning forest management using projections of tree species range shifts
Lo Y.-H.; Blanco, J.A.; Kimmins, J.P.
Año: 2010
Revista: The Forestry Chronicle
Atmospheric pollution and forest management in China's forests
Blanco, J.A.; Wei, X.
Año: 2010
Revista: Branch Lines
The legacy of forest management in tropical forests: analysis of its long-term influence with ecosystem-level model.
Blanco, J.A.; González, E.
Año: 2010
Revista: Forest Systems
Exploring the sustainability of current management prescriptions for Pinus caribaea plantations in Cuba: a modelling approach
Blanco, J..A.; González, E.
Año: 2010
Revista: Journal of Tropical Forest Science (JTFS)