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EMIT proba

English as a Medium of Instruction Test

The EMIT test held in the Centro Superior de Idiomas is designed to ensure that candidates have the necessary linguistic competence to teach their subject in English at university level in the Public University of Navarra. The required level is equivalent to C1 of the European framework.


1. QPT (Quick Placement Test): An interactive level test. This computer-based test uses multiple-choice questions to assess students in Listening, Reading, Use of English, including Grammar and Vocabulary. It takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

2. Oral: (15 minutes) Candidates will be asked to briefly introduce themselves and present 15 minutes of a class in English. This may be prepared prior to the test and candidates may use any materials they wish.

3. Written task: Candidates will be required to write a discursive text of approximately 200 words in response to an argument or problem related to their academic field.


• QPT. The interactive level test provides an objective indication of a candidate`s level of competence in grammar, vocabulary and listening.

• ORAL. The most important section of the exam is the oral. The examiners need to ensure that the candidates can express themselves fluently and accurately at an appropriate level.

The level required by the UPNA is the European Framework level C1.
- Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly. Has a good command of a broad lexical repertoire allowing gaps to be readily overcome with circumlocution. There is little obvious searching for expressions or avoidance strategies; only a conceptually difficult subject can hinder a natural, smooth flow of language.
- Can use the language fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the relationships between ideas.
- Can communicate spontaneously with good grammatical control without much sign of having to restrict what he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality appropriate to the circumstances.

• WRITTEN TASK. The written task provides additional information about the candidate’s ability to produce well-structured and appropriate texts.

     The level required is the European Framework level C1.

- Can express themselves in clear, well-structured text, underlining salient issues and supporting their point of view with reasons and relevant examples.
- The candidates should have a good command of a broad range of language allowing them to select a formulation to express themselves clearly in an appropriate style on a wide range of academic or general topics without having to restrict unduly what he/she wants to say.
- Can produce clear, smoothly flowing, well-structured text, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
- Consistently maintains a high degree of grammatical accuracy with occasional errors in grammar, collocations and idioms.


The EMIT test will be held in the Centro Superior de Idiomas, (Edificio el Sario, Módulo 3). A confirmation of entry and timetable will be sent by email to each candidate.


In order to participate in the process during the academic year, you should send an email to from 1st of October until 31st of May 2025.

Help and support:
Centro Superior de Idiomas, Edificio El Sario, Módulo 3 – 1st floor.
Telephone number: 948 169791