09:00 -10:00 |
Inscripción. Apertura (sala Anexo 04) -Francisco Javier Arregui, vicerrector de Investigación -Patricia Fanlo, consejera de Universidad, Innovación y Transformación Digital -María Jesús Rivera, Comité Organizador ESA RN38 |
10:00 -11:30 |
Sesión plenaria I. |
11:30 -12:00 |
Pausa |
12:00 -14:00 |
Sesión 1: Migration and social diversity (sala Anexo 04). Preside: Jesús Oliva -Magda Bolzoni et al. "Variegated migrations in UNESCO vineyards: diversity, placemaking and inequalities in Southern Piedmont rural areas (Italy)" -María Jesús Rivera y Ion Martínez-Lorea "Shaping rural cosmopolitanism" -Loukia-Maria Fratsea "Conceptualising the aspirations and socio-spatial trajectories of migrants in rural Greece" -Henna Asikainen y Ruth McAreavey "We are here our hearts are there: Rurality, ethnicity and belonging" -Apostolos G. Papadopoulos "Transforming and Hybridising Rural Space: Migrations, Belonging and Subjectivities" Sesión 2: Agriculture and food system (I) (sala 502). Preside: Fatmanil Döner -Lucas Olmedo y Mary O’Shaughnessy "A Spatial Analysis of Social Economy Organisations and their Impact on Sustainable Development in Irish Rural Areas" -Ana Villán et al. "Family farm succession and agroecology transitions: a case study in Castilla y León, Spain" -Ricard Espelt "The Impact of CCIs on Rural Socioeconomic Transformation in Europe: A Theoretical y Empirical Framework with Best Practices" -Guadalupe Ramos-Truchero "Food y commercial deterioration in remote rural places. Notes to research in Europe" |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Comida (comedor campus de Arrosadia) |
16:00 - 18:00 |
Sesión 3: Care and well-being (sala Anexo 04). Preside: Ruth McAreavey -Halime Ünal-Resitoglu et al. "Barriers for Rural Older Adults to Access Health Care Services: A Qualitative Study" -Vicent A. Querol et al. "E-health attitudes in rural areas. A study case in a remote rural - Begoña Elizalde-San Miguel y Lucía Martínez "Fostering the community approach as a tool to re-define long-term care strategies in rural areas: gingko, a project aiming to prevent loneliness among elderly people" -Leticia Santaballa Santos y Melissa Moralli "Disentangling the "social dimension" of wellbeing in rural and peripheral welcoming communities across Spain and Italy" -Alexandra Theofili y Pavlos Baltas "Demographic change, well-being and sustainable development in rural areas. The case of Greece" -Yelda Özen y Halime Ünal Resitoglu "Later Life Care in Rural Areas of Turkey: Experiences of Older Women Villagers" Sesión 4: Environment and sustainability (sala 502). Preside: Apostolos Papadopoulos -Paul Swagemakers y Lola Domínguez "Setting priorities: cattle breeding and the restoration of natural values in a Biosphere Reserve (Galicia, Spain)" -Christine Altenbuchner "The adaptive capacity to climate change of agricultural communities in rural areas - Comparing case studies from Austria, Switzerland and California" -Ángel Manuel Ahedo "The governance of rural sustainability. The cases of Denmark and Spain in the European Union" -Fátima Cruz et al. "Living and managed forests: their social meanings" |
18:00 - 18:30 |
Café - encuentro RN38 |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Sesión plenaria II (primer piso, módulo 1 - sala 3). |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Pausa |
11:00 - 13:00 |
Sesión 5: Challenges for rural policies (primer piso, sala 606). Preside: Loukia-Maria Fratsea -Fatmanil Doner "A tool for populists? Understanding rural well-being and voting behavior in Turkey" -Alberto Serrano et al. "Women, youth, and innovation in rural areas at high risk of depopulation: the case of the leader programme in Aragón (2014-2020)" -María Elena Mañas y Xavier Ginés "The indirect impact of LEADER on the rural municipalities of the Valencian Community" -Fátima Cruz et al. "Statute of rural women in Navarra: empowerment of rural women through gender equality public policies" - Francisco A. Navarro y Gary Bosworth "Actors and networks in rural place-based policies and initiatives in Spain and the United Kingdom. One step forward" Sesión 6: Agriculture and food system (II) (primer piso - sala 607). Preside: Luís A. Camarero -Derya Nizam "How Scale Matters: The Revival of Cooperative Movement in Turkey" -Marina Bertino y María Dolores Martín-Lagos "New ecological vision after the pandemic. Speeches of new agriculturalists in Sicily" -Karel Nemecek "The Importance of Rural Spaces in Permacultural Worldview: The Local Areas as Loci of Progress" -Amaia Albizua "How are social networksstructuring agricultural (un)sustainability? An example from Navarre (Spain)" -Eugenia Petropoulou y Theo Benos "Exploring the appeal of different alternative food networks" |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Comida (comedor campus de Arrosadia) |
15:00 - 17:00 |
Sesión 7: Depopulation and imageries of the rural (sala 606). Preside: Fátima Cruz -Noortje Keurhorst y Paul Swagemakers "Shaking up the urban-rural binary: exploring communing practices and imaginaries in the peri-urban monte in Mourente, Pontevedra (Galicia)" -Sebastián Iturriaga y Paul Swagemakers "Contesting mainstream discourses about abandonment: deviating discourses around rural depopulation in Ancares mountains" -Beatriz Izquierdo y María Elena Nogueira "Social strengthening in empty Spain. A case of community social innovation and revitalization" -Cristina Margalejo "Social economic factors of the rural women exodus: insights from a Spanish region" -Manuel-Tomás González et al. "Peri-urban, mobilized … and markedly vulnerable" Sesión 8: Rural youth and mobilities (primer piso - sala 607). Preside: María Jesús Rivera -Anita Busljeta Tonkovic "Youth mobility patterns in sparsely populated areas of Croatia: the case study of the Lika Region" -Petra Benyei "Interlinking factorsinfluencing three main rural social-ecological challengers: depopulation, farmer generational renewal and the adoption of sustainable farming models" - Javier Águila y Manuel T. González "A sealed destiny? Conditions for the labour and professional development of rural youth" -David Gil y Vicent A. Querol. "Double residence among rural youth in Spain. Quantification and related factors" -Gonzalo Reguera-Zaratiegui et al. "Life trajectories and mobility of rural youth in peri-urban areas. A case study in Navarre" |
17:00 - 17:30 |
Pausa (panta baja) |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Mesa redonda de clausura (sala Anexo 04) |