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Catedrático Universidad

  • Department: CIENCIAS
  • Area: Fisiología Vegetal
  • e-mail: ana.zabalzaATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 9118 (ext. 9118)

Major in Agricultural Engineering (UPNA, 1998).

PhD Studies (UPNA, 2003) Title: “The inhibition of branched chain amino acid biosynthesis and its use as herbicide target”. Second extraordinary doctorate award.

Assistant Professor (UPNA, 2003-2010). June- October 2005 Visiting researcher (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany).

 Reader (2010-2021)

Associate Professor (2021-2024)

Professor (2024-)


  • Biology (Spanish and Basque) and Botany subjects in the Bachelor's degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering. Biology subject in the Bachelor´s degree in Biotechnoloy, degree in Sciences or degree in Data sciences.
  • Educational Projects in Environmental Sciences in the  Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education (also in Basque)
  • Subjects related to abiotic stress and herbicide contamination in the Master’s degree in Environmental Agrobiology.
  • She has co-supervised seven PhD students.
  • Recognition of four five-annual teaching periods (quinquenios): 2003-2018

Resarch activities

Her research line lies on the study of the physiological processes related to the lethal process induced in plants treated with herbicides that inhibit the amino acid biosynthesis, trying to unravel the physiological causes of the toxicity of these herbicides. Her current topic is in the comparison of the physiological effects in sensitive and resistant weeds to glyphosate and acotolactate synthase inhibitors.

She has authored or co-authored (until September 2023) of 41 articles in high-impact international journals (ISI) of Plant Sciences, Agriculture and Agronomy.  Full list of publications and scientific impact at Research ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-6203-2016  and ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6954-6317

She has participated in 8 funded research projects (7 at national and 1 at  european level) and currently is the co-IP of another one.

She is member of the Plant Physiology and Agrobiology Group at the Public University of Navarra (see full information).

Recognition of three six-annual research periods (sexenios): 2001-2018

Since November 2022 she is the President of the Spanis Weed Science Society (SEMh) http://semh.net/

Positions held

2012-2016 Vice-head of Dept. Environmental Sciences. UPNA.

2016--August 2017 Academic secretary of the Dpt- Environmental Sciences, UPNA

2017-2024, University Access Coordinator

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Campus de Arrosadía - 31006 Pamplona
Tel. 948 169000
Fax. 948 169169
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