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I hold a BA degree in English Studies and Linguistics from the University of the Basque Country. I received my Doctor Europeus PhD (with distinction) in 2011 from the University of the Basque Country with a thesis on the acquisition of tense by bilingual CLIL and non-CLIL English learners.
I am currently an Associate Professor of English Philology at the Public University of Navarra,
where I teach an undergradute course on Content and Language Integrated Learning (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera) in the BA in Infant and Primary Education, as well as a course on Teaching English to Very Young Learners (Didáctica de la lengua Extranjera: Inglés) in the BA in Infant Education. I also teach a course on CLIL in the Master’s programme for Secondary Teacher training (Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria). My previous teaching includes various English undergraduate courses in the BA in Infant and Primary Education and in the BA in Labour Relations and Human Resources at the Public University of Navarra. Furthermore, I have also taught training courses about CLIL outside the university and have worked on innovation projects in education and in the field of foreign language learning for the workforce. My primary research interests focus on foreign language acquisition in instructional environments and specifically on CLIL learning contexts and on how interaction facilitates the learning of a foreign language, particularly, among young learners. My interests also include Teacher Training and the promotion of Key Competences. I am currently part of two research groups Language and Speech Laboratory (Laslab) from the University of the Basque Country and Applied linguistics: Language Acquisition and Language Teaching from the Public University of Navarra.