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Miguel Martínez-Espronceda was born in Mendavia, Spain, in 1981. He received the MS in Telecommunication Engineering and Ph.D. degree (Honors) from Public University of Pamplona (UPNA), Spain, in 2005 and 2012, respectively. Since then, he has developed his research within the Biomedical Engineering Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (UPNA). He was a visiting student at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria, and, at the Department of Communication Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. He started up the spin-off Life Quality Technology Accessibility and Innovation (LQTAI) co. in 2011. He is Member of both IEEE and IEEE-EMBS, and collaborator in national and international standardization organizations (AENOR/CTN139-SC4, CEN/TC251-WGIV, and PHD-WG). His interests include wearable and wireless personal health solutions based on standards, medical devices interoperability and big-data.