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Catedrático Universidad

  • Department: ECONOMÍA
  • Area: Historia e Instituciones Económicas
  • e-mail: mar.rubioATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 9706 (ext. 9706)

Dr. Rubio Varas is an energy economist and economic historian.  PhD from the London School of Economics (UK), master from the same institution and graduate in Economics from the University Carlos III of Madrid. Her academic training was completed a year of stay (Fulbright funding) in the Department of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley.
Her research interests focus on the long-term relationships between energy consumption and the economy, covering also aspects of energy dependence and the transition to a low carbon economy. Recently has focused on the economic and financial history of the Spanish nuclear program.  She has conducted research in countries of Europe and America. She has taken part in large research consortiums funded by the EU (Horizon2020/Euratom and 6th Framework Program) and the European Science Foundation, among others. Her more recent publications include articles in the Journal of Contemporary History, Energy Journal, Energy Policy, Economic History Review and European Review of Economic History. She is currently tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), and since 2020 she is the Director of the INARBE research insitute.
For more detais see my personal webpage
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