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  • Area: Ingeniería Eléctrica
  • e-mail: inigo.delaparraATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: [+34] 948 169712 (ext. 9712)

Íñigo de la Parra holds a B.Sc. degree in industrial engineering (2010) and M.Sc. degree in Renewable Energies: Electric Generation (2012) from the Public University of Navarre (UPNA). In 2015, he received a PhD in Communications Technologies, Bioengineering and Renewable Energies from UPNA within the Eurepean seventh framework program project  PVCROPS where, in addition to UPNA, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the University of Évora , the Dublin Institute of Technology and the companies CL Senes, ONE, Acciona Energía SA, Ingeteam SA, RTONE, Sunswitch SA, REDT LTD and APERE took part in the project.

He began his teaching career in 2013 when he lectures as a teaching collaborator in various courses in the area of ​​Electrical Engineering. Subsequently, he was a part-time professor in the course 2015-2016, assistant professor from September 2016 to August 2019 and associate professor since September 2019. During these courses, he has been in charge of 5 courses within the B.Sc. degree in industrial engineering, B.Sc. international program degree in industrial engineering, B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronic engineering and M.Sc. degree in industrial engineering. In addition, he has also made teaching stays within the Erasmus+ program at the University of Cochabamba (Bolivia), University of Pinar del Rio (Cuba), University of Hawassa (Ethiopia), Nirma University (Ahmedabad, India), Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea) and Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). Likewise, he has directed or co-directed 25 bachelor and master theses and is currently co-directing a Ph.D. thesis within the Fundación Carolina scholarship program and another one funded by the company Ingetam Power Technology. As a result of this teaching experience, he has two five-year teaching appointments.

In 2011, he joined the research group in Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics and Renewable Energies (INGEPER) and, since 2015, he is a member of the UPNA Institute of Smart Cities. His main lines of research are the integration of photovoltaics into the electrical grid, analysis of different techniques to mitigate photovoltaic power fluctuations and the development of new strategies to manage photovoltaic plants with energy storage systems. As a result of this teaching and research experience, it is noteworthy his participation in 4 public funded projects (three national and one European), another 11 with private companies (Acciona Energía SA and Ingeteam Power Technology among others), co-author of 17 scientific publications in international journals , a book chapter, 23 contributions to international conferences and the delivery of 10 international seminars and presentations, all related to the progress being made in his research. As a consequence, he has 2 six-year research periods and 3 patents that have already received the first positive report from the evaluation commission. In addition, from April to July 2018, he carried out a research stay as visitor scholar at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) within the grid integration research group of the Center for Energy Research (CER).

Since June 2019, he is the vice dean responsible of internationalization and mobility at the UPNA School of Industrial & ICT Engineering (ETSIIIT). Also since June 2019 and until November 2020 he has been secretary of the Industry 4.0 Chair and since that date he has been president of the Chair. In turn, he is a member of the University Senate and the ETSIIIT Board.

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