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She studied in the University of Zaragoza, obtaining the Degree in Physical Sciences, with a specialization in optics, in 1990 and the PhD in Physical Sciences in 1994. After a period as a research scholarship holder and as a teaching assistant in the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Zaragoza she obtained in 1992 a position in the Department of Physics of the Public University of Navarre where she presently works, as a permanent member of the teaching staff, since 1999.
More than 30 years of academic activity, teaching in the Degrees in Physics and Veterinary in the University of Zaragoza and in several Degrees of the Public University of Navarre. In particular, in recent years, in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Science, Innovation of Food Processes and in the Master’s Degree in Agrifood Industry Technology and Quality.
Her main field of research is colour science with special interest in food colour. Other active lines include renewable energy, digital image processing, multispectral imaging and optic of anisotropic media. The results of this work have been published in more than thirty research papers in international journals and over forty communications in national and international conferences. She has been principal investigator and participated in several research projects and owns a patent called “Elaboración y uso de patrones para la evaluación visual de alimentos” (Elaboration and use of standards in the visual evaluation of food products) that has been used by the Regulatory Council of the PDO Piquillo peppers from Navarra. In 2004 she organized and was the Congress Chair of the VII Congreso Nacional de Color that took place in the Public University of Navarre.
She has also occupied several positions in the academic management of the Public University of Navarre. In particular she has been assistant secretary to the Vice-rector of Teaching Staff, academic secretary in the Department of Physics and deputy head in the School of Agricultural Engineering as well as Member of the Grants Commission, Editorial Board, University Senate and Board of Governors