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Esteban INDURÁIN (born in Pamplona, Spain: JULY 30th, 1960).
-Degree in Mathematical Sciences. University of Zaragoza, Spain (1982).
-Doctorate (Ph. D.) in Mathematical Sciences. University of Zaragoza, Spain (1985). Dissertation entitled: “On the geometry of sequences in Banach spaces: unit position”, held in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza, in JUNE 22nd 1985. Co-advisers: Dr. Andrés Reyes-Rodríguez and Dr. Antonio Plans - Sanz de Bremond.
-Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis in the Public University of Navarre, Pamplona (Spain), since 2000.
-About 100 published papers in well-ranked journals, with impact factor considered in ISI-JCR (from a total of more than 130 published papers). Impact factor h = 17 in “Web of Science” (i.e.: at least 17 impact papers have been cited at least 16 times each in impact journals recorded in the ISI-JCR system).
-Main researcher (leader of team), in several projects supported by MEC or similar (Spain).
-Member (currently or formerly) of several international associations, namely, European Mathematical Society, New York Academic of Sciences, Econometric Society and Real Sociedad Matemática Española.
-Eight Ph. D. theses co-advised up-to-date. One of them was awarded a prize to the best Ph. D. thesis in its ambit and period.
-Participation in more than 100 congresses and/or scientific meetings, with a high percentage of invitations to contribute with plenary lectures.
-Invited to transmit pieces of own research by means of lectures and seminars held in several universities and research centers all over the world.
-Associate editor of “Applied General Topology and “Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems”.
-More of 140 revisions made for “Mathematical Reviews”, “Zentralblatt für Mathematik”, etc.
-Referee and reviewer for a high number of scientific impact journals.
-Reviewer of research projects for agencies as ANEP (Spain) or CINECA (Italy).
-Member of the ANECA agency (Spain), which controls processes of full-professorship in Spain, in the area of Sciences, since FEB 2014 till NOV 2015.
-Interdisciplinary research interests: Real Analysis, Ordered Structures, Functional Equations, General Topology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Mathematical Economics, Social Choice, etc.
-Fluent in English and French.
-Head of the Department of Mathematics (Public University of Navarre) from 2007 to 2012.