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GI4E - Gaze Interaction for Everybody
> GI4E - Gaze Interaction for Everybody
> Publications
> Journals
International Journals
A. Larumbe-Bergera, G. Garde, S. Porta, R. Cabeza, A. Villanueva,
Accurate Pupil Center Detection in Off-the-Shelf Eye Tracking Systems Using Convolutional Neural Networks
, Sensors, (2021)
G. Garde, A. Larumbe-Bergera, B. Bossavit, S. Porta, R. Cabeza, A. Villanueva,
Low-Cost Eye Tracking Calibration: A Knowledge-Based Study
, Sensors, (2021)
I. Martinikorena, A. Larumbe-Bergera, M. Ariz, S. Porta, R. Cabeza, A. Villanueva,
Low cost gaze estimation: knowledge-based solutions
, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (2019)
M. Ariz, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Robust and accurate 2D-tracking-based 3D positioning method: application to head pose estimation
, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, (2019)
M. Cortinas, R. Cabeza, R. Chocarro, A. Villanueva,
Attention to online channels across the path to purchase: An eye-tracking study
, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 36, (2019)
I. Martinikorena, R. Cabeza, A. Villanueva, I. Urtasun, A. Larumbe,
Fast and robust ellipse detection algorithm for head-mounted eye tracking systems
, Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 29(5), pp. 845-860 (2018)
M. Ariz, J.J. Bengoechea, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
A novel 2D/3D database with automatic face annotation for head tracking and pose estimation
, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 148, pp. 201-210 (2016)
A. Villanueva, V. Ponz, L. Sesma-Sánchez, M. Ariz, S. Porta, R. Cabeza,
Hybrid method based on topography for robust detection of iris center and eye corners
, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-20 (2013)
J.J. Cerrolaza, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Hierarchical multi-resolution decomposition of statistical shape models
, Signal, Image and Video Processing, pp. 1-18 (2014)
J.J. Bengoechea, J.J. Cerrolaza, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Evaluation of accurate eye corner detection methods for gaze estimation
, Journal of Eye Movement Research, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1-6(2014)
J.J. Cerrolaza, A. Villanueva, F.M. Sukno, C. Butakoff, A.F.R. Frangi, R. Cabeza,
Full multiresolution active shape models
, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 463-479(2012)
J.J. Cerrolaza, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Study of polynomial mapping functions in video-oculography eye trackers
, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1-25(2012)
J.J. Cerrolaza, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Hierarchical statistical shape models of multiobject anatomical structures: Application to brain MRI
, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 713-724(2012)
L. De-Maeztu, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Near real-time stereo matching using geodesic diffusion
, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 410-416 (2012)
L. De-Maeztu, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Stereo matching using gradient similarity and locally adaptive support-weight
, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32, no. 13, pp. 1643-1651 (2011)
L. Sesma-Sánchez, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Gaze Estimation Interpolation Methods Based on Binocular Data
, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2235-2243 (2012)
J. Navallas, M. Ariz, A. Villanueva, J. San Agustin, R. Cabeza,
Optimizing interoperability between video-oculographic and electromyographic systems
, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development , 48 (3), pp. 253-266 (2011)
J. San Agustin, J.C. Mateo, J.P. Hansen, A. Villanueva,
Evaluation of the Potential of Gaze Input for Game Interaction
, PsychNology Journal , 7 (2) , pp. 213-236 (2009)
A. Villanueva, G. Daunys, D.W. Hansen, M. Bohme, R. Cabeza, A. Meyer, E. Barth,
A Geometrical Analysis of Remote Eye Tracking Methods
, Universal Access in the Information Society , 8 , pp. 241-257 (2009)
A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Evaluation of Corneal Refraction in a Model of a Gaze Tracking System
, IEEE T. on Biomedical Engineering , 55 , pp. 2812-2822 (2008)
A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
A Novel Gaze Estimation System with One Calibration Point
, IEEE T. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, B , 38 , pp. 1123-1138 (2008)
A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza, S. Porta,
Gaze tracking system model based on physical parameters
, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence , 21 , pp. 855-877 (2007)
A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Models for Gaze Tracking Systems
, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing , ID 23570 (2007)
A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza, S. Porta,
Eye tracking: pupil orientation geometrical modelling
, Image and Vision Computing , 24 , pp. 663-679 (2006)
National Journals
Y. Blanco, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Síntesis Visual del Habla
, Anales del Servicio Navarro de Salud , 23 , pp. 41-66 (2000)
L. Gila, A. Villanueva, R. Cabeza,
Fisiopatología y técnicas de registro de los movimientos oculares
, Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 32, pp. 9-26 (2009)
Research Lines
GI4E - Gaze Interaction for Everybody
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