Celi, V., Cogolludo, J. I., Gil Clemente, E., Lizasoain, I., Millán Gasca, A., Moler, J.I. & Regoliosi, L. (2019). Addressing the issue of trust in elementary teachers's maths-specific education: Anfomam project. In J. Novotná, H. Moraová (eds.) Opportunities in Learning and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Proceedings, International Symposium Elementary Mathematics Teaching, pp. 113-121. Prague: Charles University Faculty of Education.
Millán Gasca, A., Neri, F. (2019). The role of stage presence in primary mathematics teachers'
education. In D. Szarková, et al (eds.), Proccedings of the 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics(Aplimat 2019), pp. 829-835. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Spektrum Stu.
Catalán, R., Celi, V., Cogolludo, J.I., Gil Clemente, E., Lizasoain, I., Millán Gasca, A., Regoliosi, L. (2019). Learning from children to improve primary school teachers math-specific education. In D. Szarková et al (eds.), Proccedings of the 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics (Aplimat 2019), pp. 190-193. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Spektrum Stu.
Comunicación Learning from children to improve primary school teachers math-specific education en Aplimat 2019 (Bratislava).
Comunicación The role of stage presence in primary mathematics teachers' education en Aplimat 2019 (Bratislava).
Comunicación Addressing the issue of trust in elementary teachers's maths-specific education: Anfomam project en International Symposium on Elementary Maths Teaching 2019 (Praga).
Se presenta el proyecto en el "I Congreso Seminario Científico Internacional sobre Formación de Profesorado, Investigación y Justicia Social" (Universidad de Zaragoza).
Comunicación Mathematics workshops: Changing the perceptions of both in-service and prospective teachers with regard to mathematics en ICME-14 (Shangai)