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  • Area: Organización de Empresas
  • e-mail: pabloATunavarra.es
  • Phone number: (+34) 948 16 9684 (ext. 9684)

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Pablo Arocena Garro
Business Economics
T 948 169 684F 948 169 404


Publications in English

  • "On the cost efficiency of service delivery in small municipalities" (with F.J. Arcelus, F. Cabasés and P. Pascual), Regional Studies (forthcoming)
  • “Depression affecting work performance: an anlysis of gender differentials across occupations” (with I. Núñez) International Journal of Manpower 35(3): 250-266. (2014)
  • "Scale and scope economies and the efficient vertical and horizontal configuration of the water industry: a survey of the literature“” (with A. Maziotis, D. Saal, T. Triebs) Review of Network Economics 12(1):93-121 (2013)
  •  “Vertical and horizontal scope economies in the regulated US electric power industry” (with D. Saal and T. Coelli) Journal of Industrial Economics 60(3):434-467 (2012)
  • “The efficiency of state-owned and privatized firms: does ownership make a difference?” (with D. Oliveros) International Journal of Production Economics 140(1):457-465 (2012)
  • “Revisiting the fair wage-effort hypothesis” (with M. Villanueva, R. Arévalo and X.E. Vázquez) Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(2): 433-455 (2011)
  • “Assessing the consequences of restructuring reforms on firms’ performance" (with L. Blázquez and E. Grifell-Tatjé) Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 14(1): 21-39 (2011).
  • “An empirical analysis of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety management systems in SMEs”, (with I. Núñez), International Small Business Journal  28(4): 398-419 (2010).
  • “The Effect of Occupational Safety Legislation in Preventing Accidents at Work: Traditional versus Advanced Manufacturing Industries”, (with I. Núñez) Environment and Planning C: Government and Society 27: 159-174 (2009)
  • “The Impact of Prevention Measures and Organisational Factors on Occupational Injuries”, (with I. Núñez and M. Villanueva) Safety Science 46(9):1369-1384 (2008)
  • “Cost and Quality Gains from Diversification and Vertical Integration in the Electricity Industry: A DEA Approach”. Energy Economics 30: 39-58 (2008)
  • “The Effect of Enhancing Workers’ Employability on Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from Spain”, (with I. Núñez and M. Villanueva) Small Business Economics,29: 191-201 (2007)
  • “Accounting for quality in the measurement of hospital performance: Evidence from Costa Rica”, (with A. García-Prado) Health Economics 16: 667-685 (2007)
  • “Privatisation Policy in Spain: Stuck Between Liberalisation and the Protection of Nationals’ Interests”, in Privatization Experiences in the European Union. Marko Köthenbürger, Hans-Werner Sinn and John Whalley (Eds.) MIT Press. pp.: 339-364, 2006.
  • “The Effect of Enhancing Workers’ Employability on Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from Spain”, (with I. Núñez and M. Villanueva) Small Business Economics (in press), 2006.
  • “Productivity differences across OECD countries in the presence of environmental constraints”, (with F.J. Arcelus), Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56: 1352-1362. 2005.
  • The Economic Regulation of the Essential Facilities in the Oil and Electricity Industries in Spain, (with I. Contín), in Institutional Reform, Regulation and Privatization. Process and Outcomes in Infrastructure Industries. pp:193-215. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2005.
  • “Access as a Motivational Device: Implications for Human Resource Management”, (with M. Villanueva). Kyklos 56(2):199-222, 2003
  • “The reform of the utilities sector in Spain”. In Ugaz, C. and C. Waddams-Price (editors) Utility Privatization and Regulation: A Fair Deal for Consumers? pp. 125-148. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing., 2003
  • “Generating Efficiency: Economic and Environmental Regulation of Public and Private Generators in Spain”, (with C. Waddams-Price). International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20(1): 41-69, 2002.
  • “Price Regulation in the Spanish Energy Sectors: Who Benefits?”, (with I. Contín and E. Huerta), Energy Policy 30(10): 885-895, 2002.
  • “Growth vs Catching-up: A Non-Parametric Frontier Analysis of Regional Convergence in Spain”, (with F.J. Arcelus). Studies in Regional & Urban Planning 8: 79-92, 2000.
  • “Convergence and Productive Efficiency in Fourteen OECD Countries: A Non-Parametric Frontier Approach”, (with F.J. Arcelus) . International Journal of Production Economics 66 (2): 105-117, 2000.
  • “Liberalising the Spanish Electricity Market: Can Competition Work?” in G. McKerron and P. Pearson (eds) The International Energy Experience: Markets, Regulation and Environment; pp. 49-62. London, UK: Imperial College Press, 2000.
  • “Measuring Sectoral Productivity across Time and across Countries” (with F.J. Arcelus) European Journal of Operational Research  119:  254-266, 1999
  • “Regulatory Reform in the Spanish Electricity Industry: A Missed Opportunity for Competition” (with K-U Khün and P. Regibeau)  Energy Policy 27(7): 387-399, 1999.


Some publications in Spanish

  • La evolución de los costes energéticos y su efecto en la competitividad de la industria española, (with A.C. Díaz), Economía Industrial (forthcoming).
  • Los costes de la energía en la industria del País Vasco, (with A.C. Díaz), Boletín de Estudios Económicos 212: 357-375, 2014.
  • El acceso y el valor añadido de los empleos, (with M. Villanueva), Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 12: 179-186, 2002.
  • La evolución de los precios y de la rentabilidad empresarial en el sector energético, (with I. Contín and E. Huerta), Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa 9: 193-212, 2001.
  • Sector industrial y prácticas de sector avanzadas, (with J.A. Bisecas, E. Huerta and M. Villanueva), Papeles de Economía Española. Economía de las Comunidades Autónomas, 19: 161-179, 2001.
  • Eficiencia pública y privada en la producción de energía eléctrica en España, Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa 10(1): 9-20, 2001.
  • La liberalización de sectores regulados, (with F. Castro). Boletín Económico de I.C.E., 2640: 27-36, 2000.
  • Incentivos y regulación del sector eléctrico español, 1988-1995, (with L. Rodríguez-Romero), Revista de Economía Aplicada VI (18): 61-83, 1998.
  • Eficiencia técnica en la recogida de vidrio y papel en España, (with J. Franco), Economía Industrial 310: 175-182, 1996.
  • La política de defensa de la competencia en España: algunos ejemplos, (with I. Contín, and E. Huerta), Cuadernos Económicos de I.C.E. 57: 213-229, 1994.





Información adicional sobre proyectos



Pablo Arocena Garro
Business Economics
T 948 169 684F 948 169 404


National Competitive Research Grants

  • "The Analysis of Economic Performance" Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación  (ECO2010-21242-C03-03) Investigador principal: Pablo Arocena. Finalización: 31/12/2013
  • "Management and Firm Performance: Profits and Beyond" Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia  (SEC2007-67737-C03-02/ECON) Investigador principal: Pablo Arocena. Finalización: 30/09/2010
  • "Medidas del desempeño competitivo: descomposición y determinantes". Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEJ2004-07242-C03-02). Investigador principal: Pablo Arocena. Finalización: 31/12/2007
  • Productividad y competitividad de la empresa industrial española" Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Programa Nacional de Estudios Sociales y Económicos.2002-2004 SEC2001-2793-C03-02. Investigador principal: Pablo Arocena. Finalización: 31/12/2004
  • El proceso de liberalización y sus efectos en la estrategia de las empresas(des)reguladas. (2000-001) SEC99-0843-C02 02. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica. Programa Nacional de Estudios Sociales y Económicos Investigador principal: Juan Franco. Finalización: 31/12/2000

Other Research Projects

  • Los costes de la energía de las empresas industriales/The energy costs of manufacturing firms. Funding body: Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness. 2012.

  • "Productividad y beneficios en el sector eléctrico español",  y "Escala e integración vertical en la industria de la energía eléctrica" / "Productivity and profits in the Spanish electricity sector", and "Scale and vertical integration in the electricity industry" Programa de Investigación Energética y Medioambiental/ Energy and Environmental Research Program. 2007 Funding body: Fundación Repsol YPF.
  • Revisión de métodos para estimar los costes de la siniestralidad laboral/ A revision of methods to estimate the costs of occupational injuries. Funding body: Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo/ National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. 2008

  • El impacto de los factores organizativos en la siniestralidad laboral de la empresa navarra/The impact of organizational factors on the occupational safety in Navarre. Instituto Navarro de Salud Laboral/ Navarre Institute of Occupational Health. 2002-2003. Investigador principal: Pablo Arocena.

  • "Análisis de las prácticas de gestión de las pequeñas y medianas empresas catalanas"/ Analysis of the management practices in the small and medium sized enterprises in Catalonia . Funding body: Diputación de Barcelona. 2002



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