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Teaching materials published by Pädagogisches Zentrum Bad Kreuznach

(The materials can be obtained at Pädagogisches Zentrum Bad Kreuznach via our e-mail address: pzkh@sparkasse.net.)

PZ-Information 4/ 92
Bilingual Teaching: History/ English - Year 7
Teaching materials for year 7, the first year that History is taught at German grammar schools (Rhineland-Palatinate) and the first year that English is used as means of communication to convey subject matter.

·      general information on 'bilingual teaching'

·      study units for 7th grade ( Pre-historic times, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome) - suggested distribution which topics should be taught in the target language English and in German according to the syllabus in Rhineland-Palatinate

·      teaching materials for the topics to be taught in English

·      samples of tests

·      literature


PZ-Information 15/92
Bilingual Teaching: History/ French - Year 7
Teaching materials for year 7, the first year that History is taught at German grammar schools  (Rhineland-Palatinate)and that French is used as means of communication to convey subject matter

·      general information on the teaching materials

·      study units for 7th grade (prehistoric Times, ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome) - suggested distribution of topics to be taught in French and German according to the syllabus

·      teaching materials for the topics to be taught in French

·      literature


PZ-Information 17/93
Bilingual Teaching: Geography/ English - Year 7
Teaching materials for the first semester of year 7 in Geography, the first year that Geography is taught in the target language English

·      First information on the introductory unit "Geography" in 7th grade

·      excerpts from the syllabus "Geography" in year 7 / Rhineland-Palatinate

·      materials for the introductory unit to be taught in English - 12 lessons
(getting to know the proper English terminology and phrases to be able to communicate in an appropriate way in geography lessons - describing pictures, reading and describing maps, analysing tables, charts and diagrams)

·      evaluation of various atlases

·      literature


PZ-Information 7/94
Bilingual Teaching: Years 5 and 6
Additional lessons in the foreign langugages English and French in preparation for the actual bilingual lessons starting in year 7 at secondary schools and secondary modern schools
Aside from introducing basic vocabulary needed for the teaching of subject matter (mainly Geography) in English/ French the emphasis is put on practicing oral and written communica­tion skills within the framework of the knowledge acquired in 2 years of learning a foreign language


PZ-Information 9/94
Bilingual Teaching Geography/ English - Year 8
Teaching materials for Year 8 in Geography according to the syllabus for Geography in classes with bilingual teaching. The students use the foreign language as means of communication to convey subject matter, the language no longer is the teaching objective. In Year 8 the students are taught two  geography lessons a week in the target language English and one in German.

·      information on bilingual teaching in geography

·      teaching objectives and study units for Year 8 - suggested distribution which topics should be taught in the target language English and in German according to the syllabus in Rhineland-Palatinate (America and Asia : topography, agriculture, extraction of natural resources, environ­mental problems, environmental protection)

·      teaching materials for the topics to be taught in English

·      teaching materials published in GB and the U.S.

·      bibliography

·      evaluation of school atlases


PZ-Information 23/99
Bilingual Teaching Geography/ English Year 9
According to the syllabus in Rhineland-Palatinate geography is not taught in Year 9 at Gymnasium (grammar school), nevertheless bilingual classes have one lesson of geography a week so that the pupils maintain their level of proficiency in the target language and don't forget  the terminology needed in geography. Thus year 9 deals with topics that are of special interest to the students.

·      excerpts from the syllabus, introduction

·      your home region, a region that is of interest for tourists (physical aspects, economy, population: settlement, history, communication, leisure)

·      Economic and socio-geographic aspects of Great Britain

·      Example of a former colony

·      Buckinghamshire - the English partner region of Rhineland-Palatinate

·      additional unit: wine-growing in Rhineland-Palatinate

·      map: wine regions in Germany


PZ-Information 7/ 97
Bilingual Teaching Social Studies/ English: Careers - Year 9
Social Studies, a subject taught one lesson a week in the target language English and one in German, deals with topics like the law, local government, the system of government in Ger­many, the EC, human rights etc. (Cf. Syllabus Social Studies). The volume contains material concerning the topic "Choosing a career".

·      Introduction to social studies taught in the target language English

·      suggested distribution of  topics to be taught in the target language and in German

·      11 units on "Choosing a career"

·      bibliography

·      a selection of publications in English to be used in social studies


PZ-Information 14/96

Bilingual Teaching English

Projects for Polytechnic Education Year 7 : Technology - Home Economics - Economy

The units in this volume deal with Polytechnic Education, a subject that is only taught in in

Year 7 - 9 in Secondary Schools in Rheinland-Palatinate to introduce pupils to the  world of work.

Bilingual Teaching in Arbeitslehre at Secondary School is optional, project-oriented and learning-by-doing. The topics taught are within the range of the syllabus for Arbeitslehre that is to say from the field of technology, home economy and economy. The main objective for bilingual teaching at Secondary School is the improvement of communicative skills in the target language and getting to know subject related terminology.

·      Introduction ( communicative aspect of bilingual teaching at Secondary school, didactic concept etc.)

·      1st unit - home economics: Preparing an ordinary English meal

·      2nd unit - technology: Using tools and machines

·      3rd unit - economy: Shopping - Buying clothes

·      4th unit - economy: Shopping - Fabrics and Clothes


PZ-Information 8/97

Bilingual Teaching English

Projects for Polytechnic Education Year 8 : Technology - Home Economics - Economy

The units in this volume deal with Polytechnic Education, a subject that is only taught in in

Year 7 - 9 in Secondary Schools in Rheinland-Palatinate to introduce pupils to the  world of work.

Bilingual Teaching in Arbeitslehre at Secondary School is optional, project-oriented and learning-by-doing. The topics taught are within the range of the syllabus for Arbeitslehre that is to say from the field of technology, home economy and economy. The main objective for bilingual teaching at Secondary School is the improvement of communicative skills in the target language and getting to know subject related terminology.

·      Introduction ( communicative aspect of bilingual teaching at Secondary school, didactic concept etc.)

·      1st unit - home economy: preparing a party/ a school fair

·      2nd unit - technolgy: using and repairing vehicles

·      3rd unit - economy: advertising

·      4th unit - economy: complaints


PZ-Information 9/97

Bilingual Teaching English

Projects for Polytechnic Education Year 9: Technology - Home Economics - Economy

The units in this volume deal with Polytechnic Education, a subject that is only taught in in

Year 7 - 9 in Secondary Schools in Rheinland-Palatinate to introduce pupils to the  world of work.

Bilingual Teaching in Arbeitslehre at Secondary School is optional, project-oriented and learning-by-doing. The topics taught are within the range of the syllabus for Arbeitslehre that is to say from the field of technology, home economy and economy. The main objective for bilingual teaching at Secondary School is the improvement of communicative skills in the target language.

·      Introduction ( communicative aspect of bilingual teaching at Secondary school, didactic concept etc.)

·      1st unit - home economy: Food for your Health - "The Teenage Diet Dominoes"

·      2nd unit - technology: The Solar Helicopter

·      3rd unit - technology: The Solar Cooker

·      4th unit - economy: Applying for a Job - Why people work

·      5th unit - economy: Tourism


PZ-Information 1/99

Bilingual Teaching Geography Year 10

Geography is taught two lessons a week in the target language English and one in German according to the syllabus in Rhineland-Palatinate. Aside from general information on bilingual teaching and excerpts from the syllabus in Rhineland-Palatinate this volume contains the following units

·      Structural Changes in a EU Country: Scotland

·      Structural Changes in Eastern Europe i. e. Belarus

·      The European Union

·      The North-South Contrast

·      World Carrying Capacity

·      Selection of Outline Maps

·      English teaching materials

·      enclosed in this publication is an information leaflet on Belarus as well as two leaflets on the EU


PZ- Information 21/99

Bilingual Teaching Geography/ English  Year 7

Teaching materials for the first semester of year 7 in Geography, the first year that Geography is taught in the target language English

·      First information on the introductory unit "Geography" in 7th grade

·      excerpts from the syllabus "Geography" in year 7 / Rhineland-Palatinate

·      materials for the introductory unit to be taught in English - 12 lessons
(getting to know the proper English terminology and phrases to be able to communicate in an appropriate way in geography lesson - describing pictures, reading and describing maps, analysing tables, charts and diagrams)

·      evaluation of various atlases

·      literature

·      2nd term: Topics and Objectives
10 lessons that deal with exogenous powers

·      topical units on weather and climate
unit 1: Weather
unit 2: Climate and Natural Vegetation Zones
unit 3: Natural Environments and People


PZ-Information 4/2000

Bilingual Teaching  "Gemeinschaftskunde" Year 11 - 13

This publication deals with materials that can be used in the three different sections of Gemein­schafts­kunde which are Geography, History and Social Studies thus helping the teacher in  selec­ting  appropriate primary sources for detailed and extensive study of certain subjects. The bibliography for each sector is based not only on availability of the mentioned literature but also on best choice for creating a research library for the teacher as well as the students. One very important part of this publication is the sector on project work that can be done in various subjects in the Years 11 through 13.

·      Section Geography:
Materials (sources) for the following topics:        The Great Plains        Year 11
                                                                Nuclear Energy           Year 13
Suggestions for project work
Samples for the oral exams (Abitur)

·      Section History
Materials(sources) for the following topics:       Patterns of Medieval Society
(Year 11 - 13)                                        A New Class. Homo Oeconomicus
                                                                New Directions in Thought and Culture
                                                                The Atlantic as a New Economic Focus
                                                                Middle Class Ethic and the Conception of                                                             Property
Suggestions for project work
Samples for the oral exams (Abitur)

·      Section Social Studies
Materials (sources) for the following topic:        The Roots of Liberal Democracy
                                                                Year 12


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