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Other groups

International groups

The group is integrated within the Euro Working group ORAHS (Operational Research Applied to Health Services, ). which integrates research groups from Europe (and other parts of the world) working on the quantitative analysis of health services, with some of which it is involved in collaborative research. Worth mentioning are those of Prof. Sally Brailsford of the University of Southampton, Prof. Marion Rauner, of the University of Vienna and the ABCi (Aneurin Bevan Continuous improvement) research group of the University of Cardiff.


Research group of the CEG-IST centre at the University of Lisbon for health services assessment and optimization. Collaborative research in various areas has been set up with this group and its representatives, Profs. Ines Marques and Monica Oliveira

  • Between-group exchanges for students in training.
  • Between-group exchanges for visiting lecturers and seminars.
  • Joint organization by both research groups of the Euro Summer School on the subject of Operational Research for Value-based Health Care (Lisbon, 1 - 8 September 2019).
  • Joint research into the subject of health resource consumption projections using simulation models.

Other international researchers in the health field with whom we have or have had collaborative relationships are: Eva Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Flournoy (University of Missouri, USA), David Stanford (Western University, Canada).


National groups

Spain has recently seen the creation of the Decision-making and Process Improvements in the Health Services work group within the Statistics and Operations Research Society ( This group includes researchers from the University of Burgos (led by Joaquín Pacheco), the University of Valencia (led by Marisa Quintanilla), the University of Seville (led by José Framiñán), and the University of Huelva (led by Francisco Aguado), among others.

This research group is integrated within the Healthcare Big Data consortium formed by research groups from the Campus Iberus, in which the universities of Zaragoza, Lleida, La Rioja and the Public University of Navarre are participants. The goal is join forces to participate in European research calls.